Story # 1 X

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Story # 1


Nash Scott, 15 years old guy who always dreamed to have a band. He is currently looking for bandmates, when he bumped to a girl with guitar case on her back.

"Sorry" Nash apologized.

The girl nodded and continue to walk, but the desperate Nash pull her arm and ask "do you want to be a part of my band?"

What would be the answer of that girl? Will she be the first one who will join his band?

Stacey Stanley's POV

      My name is Stacey, 15, I play guitar since 7 years old. Wait a min. Why should I introduce myself, that's a writer's job. Ugh.

"do you want to be a part of my band?" a guy who bumped me asked. My eyes sparkled *.* I've always want a band!

*really? a band? me? joining?

Yes, do you wish to join?

*sure! I'd love too!

Meet me after class! see yah!


By the way my name is Nash, Nash Scott... I'm a vocalist

My heart beats fast... well it can't be helped he look so cool and he has a band!

*ah-I'm Stacey, I can play guitar, it is nice to meet you!

He waved his hand as his response and continue to walk away from me.

As I continue my walk too, I passed by Ivienne(pronounce as /I-voen/) my best friend.

*Ivienne!  good morning!

Yo! good morning!

*guess what!?


*somebody asked me to join his band!

Really!? hey can I join too? I can play keyboard!

*I'm not sure, let's ask him later. We will meet after class

By the way, who's that who invited you?

*Nash, Nash Scott, have you heard his name?

hmmm... nope


After class...

      Nash is leaning his back on the wall waiting for me to come. I think he asked me to meet because he will test my guitar skills. Hah. you dont need to test me! Test me or not I'm great at this, for almost 8 years experience, I'm professional! I'm with Ivienne. But why is he alone, where is his bandmates? or should I say our bandmates?

((*)Stacey, ( )Nash,(-) Ivienne)


oh, your just in time

*by the way my bestfriend Ivienne ask to join too, she plays keyboard

that's great we will also need her.

-Really!? I can join too yay!

*by the way, where our we going now?

to our clubhouse!

*so I guess our other bandmates are there now

what do you mean "other bandmates?"

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