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      "Katherine, whatcha making?" Amy asks coming into the kitchen with Christian and Dani. Katherine looks up from her tacos and smiles. "TACOS!?" Katherine laughs and nods.

     "Yep. Thought we could have something good before we head out tomorrow morning," Katherine replies happily. Amy starts to skip around the room cheerfully. Katherine, Dani, and Christian laugh at her as she loves tacos way too much. As they keep laughing Lauren walks in and raises an eyebrow. She looks at Amy and then looks at Katherine and notices the tacos. She nods and goes to the cabinet. Opening it up she looks through it then grabs a backpack with Y/N's name on it. She takes it and walks out of the kitchen. Leaving the psychos there with their tacos.

   Lauren makes her way upstairs and goes to the office room. She finds her youngest sister sitting there writing. Walking over she sets the bag on a chair and gets out the epi pen. "Hey kiddo. You ready for this?" Lauren asks. Y/N looks up and nods her head yes. She pulls her sleeve up and lets Lauren inject the needle. She lets out a yelp. After a second or two Lauren pulls out the injection and grabs a band aid. She places it on Y/N's arm as blood rose to the surface.

    "I haven't had a bleed for 4 months!" Y/N said excitedly. Lauren nodded and chuckled. "This is good!"

  "It is pretty good. We'll have to go to the doctor when we get back," Lauren says happily. Y/N nods and continues to write in her journal. Lauren goes over and snatches the journal. Y/N surprised goes to stand up but gets to lazy and sits back down. Lauren begins to read it inside of her head.

   "When the young die too soon, death takes them on one last adventure before sending them on heaven. I hope if I die young I have that one last adventure. An adventure of traveling world because I can't do that with what's wrong with me. I wish I knew what was wrong with me. All I do know is that I was born with some kind of rare disease and I had to take medicine ever since. It sucks but I'm hoping, just hoping that if I die young I have an adventure around the world. Seeing all the amazing things on Earth that I didn't get to see before. But if I die young it better be because I saved someone's life. You know? That would be the only reason for one last adventure for me. Anyways, we're going to California for a week and I'm hoping that Dani doesn't forget to give me my medicine in the morning before we leave. I don't even know when I'm suppose to take it. My sisters just come randomly throughout the day and give it to me. Well maybe not randomly. I couldn't really tell you what time because I can't tell time. It's sad I know. But because of my condition I have a hard time reading time and comprehending things that are right in front of me. But writing. Writing just makes me feel like I am in power. It's cool and a relaxing feeling. You're focusing your mind on one thing. It's truly amazing! And I read something the other day. It said, 'You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.' I don't know what it means but it seems sad and legit. It's time for me to fly and go off. Bye for now Kitty."

   "Kiddo, your writing has really improved," Lauren says happily. "But only one thing. What's with the first sentence? It's kind of scary." Y/N shrugs.

   "I don't know. Thought it would make people read it more. Like it's a hook to make people interested," Y/N replies

  "Also the last couple sentences? Has Christian been showing you things?" Y/N laughs and shakes her head no.

   "No. I was on the laptop and was reading stuff on Instagram and that quote, if it is a quote, popped up and I read it," Y/N replied getting up. She takes her journal back from Lauren and heads for the door.

In the name of Love {Cimorelli/You} Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now