Chapter Four

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Bill clapped Maya on the back, and several other Gryffindor students offered her their hands as they all applauded their new arrival to the house table. "Welcome to Gryffindor!" Bill said. She grinned, turning her head to watch the rest of the first-years get sorted. Amy Fawcett, Ben Jenkins and Danielle McSteele joined her in Gryffindor. "Nymphadora Tonks!" Professor McGonagall called. There was a smattering of giggles at her name, and Dora looked put out, her hair turning from pink to red. "What a dumb name." Amy whispered. Maya glared at her.

"Shut up, she didn't choose it! I think she's really cool." Maya stood up and cheered loudly as Dora went to Hufflepuff, her friend flashing her a smile as she changed her hair back to pink. Amy pulled a face, and Maya already knew she was going to have problems with at least one of her dormmates.

Cole Trout also joined them in Gryffindor, and Maya gave him a high-five in greeting. He beamed, his seafoam eyes twinkling. "Nice to meet you, fellow Gryffindor." He said. "God my parents are going to disown me." He looked strangely smug at the thought of it. Ben turned to Cole and struck up a conversation as the rest of the group got sorted. "Weasley, Charles!" Bill and Maya both sat up straight. Charlie was pale beneath his freckles. The hat barely touched his head when it screamed "Gryffindor!" Bill cheered loudly, clapping his younger brother on the back. Maya scooted up so he could sit next to her. "Yay, you're a Gryffindor too!" She cheered, hugging him. He was grinning. As Megan Worrall became a Hufflepuff, the sorting was finished.

"And now," Professor Dumbledore began, his eyes twinkling as he looked over the room, "Tuck in!" Food appeared on the table in front of them, and both Maya and Cole grinned as they began piling their plates. "Our house elf is good, but nothing like this." Cole said, spitting mouthfuls of mashed potato over the table. Amy wrinkled her nose, scooting closer against Danielle, away from him. Maya bristled with frustration, this girl was getting on her nerves already.

"So Cole, Ben, what class are you most excited for?" Charlie asked. Cole shrugged, eyes on his plate of food. "Charms." Ben responded. "Can't wait to actually start learning magic and using it!"

"Well I'm looking forward to transfiguration." Amy said loudly. "Charms is a bit of a soft option, transfiguration is the real deal. Don't you agree, Danielle?" The dark-skinned girl looked uncomfortable at being put on the spot. She swallowed the mouth of food she had, before responding. "I'm looking forward to potions, mostly." She responded. "My cousin in an apprentice potion-maker and he's currently working on the wolfsbane potion with Damocles Belby." Amy scrunched up her nose, clearly disapproving of the girls response. Maya leaned forward, smiling. "That sounds so cool! Are you thinking of doing something similar when you leave Hogwarts?" Danielle smiled kindly in return, and Maya internally relaxed.

"No idea to be honest, still go a while to decide." She laughed. "We'll see how our first lessons go, aye? What classes are you looking forward to?"

"Flying classes, I love flying." Maya said. "Nothing better than feeling the wind in your hair, the whole world just melts away." Amy sniggered.

"Sounds like someone with no academic ability, that." Maya felt her face fall, unsure why this random girl she'd never met was being so mean to her. "Hey, leave her alone!" Cole snapped. "Yeah you sound a bit bitter." Charlie added. "Annoyed you're not the centre of attention?" Maya coughed into her pumpkin juice, and even Danielle and Ben were holding back giggles. Amy narrowed her eyes at the boy.

"So," Bill said loudly, trying to distract form the building tension. "Welcome to Gryffindor, if any of you need anything, feel free to ask any of us." Maya busied herself by shoving yorkshire pudding into her mouth. The other first years did similar, avoiding each other's eyes. Finally, plates were cleared, and Dumbledore stood up again. He informed them the Forbidden Forest was out of bounds, as was Hogsmeade for the lower years. Finally, they were all dismissed. Rubbing her eyes, Maya staggered to join the other first years where their prefects were waiting to show them the way. She stumbled as she followed, lagging behind. Cole and Charlie paused, lacing their arms through hers. "Come on, we're nearly there." Cole said cheerily. "Then you can go to bed."
"Easy for you to say." Maya grumbled. "You don't have to share your room with the wicked witch of the west." Cole let out a loud snort of laughter, hoisting her up over the sinking step.

"Fair point." He said. "But if your temper's as fiery as your hair, I'm sure you will manage it." Maya smiled in response. "My dad calls me fire ant."

"See! Perfect." Cole replied, as they finally reached the common room. They fell silent as the prefect turned to face them. "The password changes monthly, currently it is 'Wormwood'" The prefect spoke. The portrait swung open, and the first years eagerly climbed in. "Whoo!" Cole yelled, throwing himself onto a squashy chair by the fire. The others laughed, and he got scolded by the prefect for 'acting silly'. Charlie gave Maya a hug as he headed to the boys dormitory. Amy stormed off ahead, and Danielle turned to her with a small smile. "You coming?" Maya took a deep breath, then headed up the stairs.

Maya's trunk was by the bed under the window, and Amy had already claimed the one nearest the bathroom. Danielle took the bed in the middle, as it was clearly the only one left. Maya rummaged through her trunk, finding her pajamas. She headed into the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. She was brushing her teeth when Dani came in, and gave her a smile as she setup at the second sink. Once she was sorted, Maya pulled her hair into a loose bun at the top of her head, before heading back into the room to go to bed. Amy's curtains were already drawn.

Maya flopped onto her bed, drawing her curtains around her, staring up at the canopy. She was really here at Hogwarts! She knew she should write a letter, but she was too tired.

She fell asleep to a dream where she was flying.

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