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My heart shattered. Today was the day. Eleven left me. She's gone for as long as her mentality holds her, as the doctors have told me. I constantly wish with all of my heart for her to come back. Anything. Anything for Eleven.

     It was the second day. The thought of her absence made me nauseous. I slept in a cramped hospital room on a ripped cot provided by the doctors. They told me to go home, but I had to stay here, just in case. I decided to stay for a week longer. The bright morning light poked me in the eyes. I groaned, rolling over to see her. Her veins resembling blue roots, hooked up through a tube to a machine, beep after beep, after beep. I put my old jacket over my shoulders, the room had a cold draft to it. I stood up and turned around to look out of the window. The leaves were still on the ground but most of the trees were bare. It was almost the beginning of winter. I faced Eleven again. I couldn't bare to see her like this, but I had to be here for her. Her pale face brought a stinging feeling to my eyes. Purple circles had begun to enclose around her eyelids, while her lips were extremely chapped, peeling and turning a light shade of blue. I reached out of run my fingers through her hair.

     The surgical department wanted to shave her hair to take a closer look at her skull for any damage. I haven't chosen to see her to lose her curls, they fell perfectly. Sometimes, when we would go on walks near my house to talk about us, I would turn to face her just to stare at her beautiful features. Her curls were my favorite. She would tug at them all day, I wouldn't let her tell herself that they were horrible. They weren't, because she was the most perfect human I've ever met in my entire life.

     After about 5 minutes of standing over her, observing her medical charts overhead, I began to hear footsteps entering the room.
     "There's someone here for you, Mr. Wheeler," a scratchy voice said, "someone by the name of Lucas?"
      "Yes, that's my... friend," I replied slowly. I let friend linger. After my friend told me to leave Eleven alone, for her to die, I couldn't bare to see him again. Ever.

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