Weapon Love (Soul Evans x Reader)

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You walked up to the building of the D.W.M.A. with your meister, Colton. "Nervous?" He asked, walking up beside you. "Yeah" You replied, staring down at your sweating palms. "So am I." He replied.  "Wow way to make me feel better." You said sarcastically and walked into the building. "Wow this place is big." Colton said, admiring the walls. "Yeah and a lot easier to get lost." You mumbled. You and Colton started looking around, already lost. You and him walked up to a classroom filled with students. As the teacher was teaching he noticed you and Colton standing in front of the door. He rolled out of the classroom and in front of you guys. "Well you must be my newest students meister Colton and weapon ____." The teacher said, putting a cigarette in his mouth and resting both of his arms onto the head of the chair. "That's right." Colton said. "Well come in and introduce yourselves to the class." He said, roll back into the room with you and Colton following behind. "Class these are our two newest students. Please tell the class your names." The teacher said. "I am Meister Colton Marsh." Colton called out to the class. "I am weapon ____ ____." You said. "I am Professor Stein, and I will be your teacher for now on. Now if you two would please take your seats." Professor Stein said. The two available seat you found were in front of a girl, looking to be about your age. And a boy who also looked about your age.

You sat down next to the boy, while Colton sat down next to the girl. "Hey." The boy said. "Hello." You replied shyly. "I'm Soul, and this is my meister Maka." He said, pointing to the girl. "It's a pleasure meeting you two." The girl said and smiled at both of you. "It's a pleasure meeting you two as well." You replied then looked at the teacher as he was teaching.

What seemed like ages the bell had finally rang. "Maka, Soul. I would like to speak with you two for a moment if that's alright." Professor Stein said, rolling his chair towards them. "____, Colton I would like to speak with you two as well." Professor Stein added. You two walked up to him. "Yeah what is it Stein?" Soul casually asked. "I would like for you two to show ____ and Colton around Death City, and if so help them find somewhere to stay.'' He said. "Yes sir you can count on us." Maka said. "We've got this." Soul said, grinning. "Excellent. Also could you show them around the D.W.M.A. if you please." He added. "Of course Professor Stein, anything to help the new students." Maka said. "Good. Now the four of you may go." Professor Stein said, rolling out of the classroom and into the hall filled with students. "So are you two coming or not?" Maka asked, already standing by the door. Soul right by her side. You and Colton walked up to them. "So do you want us to show you two around the school?" Maka asked as all of you left the classroom. "Yes please. We've looked around and instantly knew we'd get lost in here." You replied, walking with them. They showed you and Colton around the school for a little while. "So ____ what type of weapon are you?'' Soul asked, his hand in the pockets of his jacket. "I'm a scythe. What type are you?" You replied. "I'm a scythe as well. Cool we're the same weapons." He said, grinning.

"How long have you and Colton been partners?" Maka asked. "We've been partners for three years." You replied. "Cool. How how'd you two meet?" Soul asked. "I'll answer this." Colton said, as he saw you frown. "Here's how we met..."


You sat in a cage, all beaten up. Blood steamed down your mouth in forehead. They were beating you up. Knowing they were going to be here soon to take you in the back, you prepared yourself. The old, rusty door slammed open, and there they stood, in their big lab coats. They were going to experiment on you again. "It's time." The big man said, opening the cage and dragging you out. "W-what are you going to do this time?" You asked, terrified of what they were going to do. "If I told you it would ruin the fun." He replied, side glancing at you. The evil look in his eye as he grinned. They took you into the back, setting you in a bigger cage. You looked up at the railings where the scientists were at. You noticed a boy around your age standing next you the big man that dragged you out of the cage. The guilty look in his eyes as he saw your beaten formed. "Please help." You mouthed. A slight hope filled up inside you as tears started to run down your face. A woman, who was across the room. Pulled a switch. As she did a door opened, revealing a pack of big dogs, ready for attack.

The only way of fighting back was this mysterious power you had, was changing your right arm into a scythe. But you knew it wouldn't help a lot. The dogs ran towards you. You hurried and readied to position to defend yourself. But nothing happened. You glanced up at the dogs. A glass wall had stopped the dogs from defeating you. You looked up to where you thought the boy was. But he wasn't there. You looked over to the woman, the boy was there. His hand slammed onto a red button. You looked down at you and mouthed. "Let's get out of here." You hurried and found the nearest exit and ran up to the boy. "Thank you so much." You whispered, smiling.

"Let's just get out of here, save the thanks for later." He replied, grabbing your hand and running out of the big building, running as fast as your legs could run.

~Back to the present~

"Wow, those men did all that to you? Maka asked, shocked. "They did new experiments everyday. Each day was more painful than the other." You muttered, letting your bangs cover your eyes as tears streamed down your face. You felt a hand on your shoulder. You glanced up, seeing it being Soul. "Hey don't let it bring you down. What's done is done." He said. "I know. But they killed my family. I don't know what I would do if Colton didn't save me." You replied, lifting your head up more. "Ever since he saved me, I had been thankful to him everyday" You replied, looking over to Colton and smiling slightly. He smiled back. "Come on and let's show you the rest of the academy." You replied as you, Colton, and Soul continued around the academy.

A/N: Hey Golden here! How is it so far? As you're scythe form you look like Spirit sort of. ^^ Comment and let me know what you think! Bye bye meow~

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