-Chapter One-

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Hi-Hi Georgi here! This is the first Chappie of my new Laurence X Reader! Enjoy!


Y/n - Your name  -  L/n - Last Name  -  H/c - Hair color  -  H/l - Hair length  -  E/c - Eye color

-- Your Pov -- Monday 5th January 2011 - 7:15am --

I slowly rub my eyes as I hear the stupid sound of my alarm, reminding me that its my first day at my new school; Phoenix Drop High. Yay. Note all the fudging sarcasm. I sit up and click the 'off' button on my alarm, I un-willingly get out of my warm, cozy bed and walk towards the bathroom. I turn the shower on, while I wait for it to warm up I slip off my pj's and comb my fingers though my knotty hair. I step into the shower and wash my self and my hair, I turn the shower off and wrap and warm towel around my damp body. As I dry my self I grab my school clothes and under wear, I slip them all on and dry my H/l hair. Once its dry i brush it through, I go to the sink and quickly brush my teeth. I run out my bathroom grab my bag with all my books in and slip my shoes on. I slowly walk down the stairs to see my parents at the door. I groan and try to walk past them.

"Have you eaten anything, Sweetheart?" My mother sweetly asks.

"No, I'm not hungry.." I mumble, still trying to get past them.

"Have fun at school, Make lots of friends." My Dad says, smiling at me. I groan again and push past him.

"And remember; We love you!" My mom calls form the door which I'm now 5 feet away from. I quickly check my pocket for my phone and sigh in relief when I can feel it.

I slowly start walking to hell, I start to her male voices talking behind me. I just ignore it and carry on walking, until something taps on my shoulder. I turn around to see three boys round my age, maybe a little older. One of them had Bright blue eyes and sandy blonde hair, one of the others had dark blue eyes and dark blue hair. The last one, Who tapped my shoulder, had bright blue eyes similar to the Blondies and light brown hair.

"Um..Hi?" I asked, Looked at the three.

"Why are you so ugly?" The one with blue hair asked, laughing at me. I felt a pain in my stomach, I soon realized that the boy with light brown hair had punched me in the belly. I let out a low growl, as my hands clutched my stomach.

"W-Why did you do that? What d-did I do to you?" I ask, tears filling my E/c eyes as i stared at them in pain. The blue haired one laughed.

"He did it because your ugly and your not wanted at our school!!" He chuckled, stepping closer to me. I took a small step forward, tears treating to fall.

"Look Mr. I think I'm so awesome and hard. Leave me alone. I did nothing to you so Fuck off!" I growl, Before i could say another word he punched me in the cheek. I let out a loud wince of pain, and stood back. Hot tears started to fall down my cold face.

"Don't ever tell me to fuck off, you ugly little bitch!!" He yelled grabbing my arm and punching me in the face again. More tears fell down my face, The boy with light brown hair started to join in. Kicking me in the stomach and punching the side of my head. I fell to the floor coughing and crying, I clutched my belly again. Gently and slowly I lifted my top up to see my belly was covered in red, black and purple bruises. My cold hand grazed them, as more tears fell to the floor.

"W-Why did t-they make m-me move here?" I cried quietly to myself, I looked up at the three boys. The blonde looked down, ashamed. The three started to walk away.

"See you at school loser!!" The blue haired boy screamed, as soon as they were out of sight I cried harder. I slowly tried to get up only to fall back down, I heard two voices getting closer to me. One female the other male. I looked up to see shocked faces of a tall boy with jet black hair and matching eyes, and a girl a little smaller than the boy with long fire like hair and bright green eyes. The boy gave his hand, I whimpered as I tried to move. The boy noticed and picked me up, I was shaking like mad.

"What happened to you?" The girl asked, more tears fell down my face. 

"Don't worry we're going to take you to our schools nurse and then look after you, Okay?" The boy asked, I nodded and hid my face in his shirt. Still slightly crying, We entered the school all I could hear were gasps. Then I heard a laugh, I whimpered. A few seconds later I was being placed on a soft bed, I looked up and saw a old-ish lady with short black and pale violate eyes. She smiled gently at me.

"Sweetie do you mind telling me what happened to you?" She asked gently, I nodded.

"I-I was w-walking t-to school when t-three boys w-walked up to me...T-Two of t-them were c-calling me na-mes and h-h-hurting me when t-the other just l-looked guilty..." I stuttered, clutching my tummy once again. The nurse moved my hands out the way and lifted my top up, I heard multiple gasps, Then I felt something wet and cold on my tummy. I looked down to see a ice pack.

"Can you describe the boys who were hurting you?" The nurse asked, holding ice to my left cheek.

"The one wh-who started it..He had Dark b-blue eyes and m-matching hair..." I stuttered, I looked at the nurse then the other two.

"Dante." The boy growled, then the girl gasped.

"No. T-That means Laurence must of been...no..not my brother...." She muttered, I looked at the nurse again.

"He had light brown hair and bright blue eyes." I state clearly, I look at the girl again. She looks down and starts muttering things before saying;

"I-I'm so so so sorry..." She mutters, I smile weakly at her.

"It's not your fault, I'm Y/n L/n. Thank you for helping me." I state with a gentle smile, she smile back at me.  

"I'm Cadenza Zhval and This is Aaron Falcon." She says gesturing to the tall boy next to her.

"It's nice to meet you both!" I say happily, At least I have some friends.


Hope you all enjoyed this chappie! This is probably the only book that I will update this weekend, Because I need to read all of the previous chapters on my other books to be able to update them. And i can read them at my mums during the week and then note down ideas for all of them. 

~Byiia   ~Georgi out

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