The Story

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It was a warm, slightly cloudy day when Stick fell from his family. He remembers it like it was yesterday, which now thinking of it, it was. He had many cousins and good friends that lived with him on his branch, some of which we're nice, billowy, green leaves. Everyone loved Stick. He was funny and charismatic, but what everyone loved about him was the way his dark brown spots made his bark stand out.

Then one day, everything changed. It was more of a windy day, and Stick was blowing all around the place. They tried to save Stick, they really did, but alas, he fell to the ground, breaking off a part of his face. All the other sticks were scared of lonely Stick, because of his chipped face. No one paid attention to his elegant brown spots anymore. But he didn't care, because the only thing on his mind was how to get back to Leafy. Leafy was the leaf who laid next to him when he was on his branch. They had been together for what seemed to be forever on that branch. But Leafy was getting yellow as the seasons had been changing. Most of the other leaves knew she was going to fall soon, and Stick thought that Leafy did as well.

Stick knew he had to get back to Leafy before she died, he had to declare his love to her before it was too late. But Stick didn't know where he was. Then he remembered what the Great Tree would always tell them each morning: "Don't be afraid, my children. There is no mountain you can't climb as long as you try."

Filled with this new determination, Stick crawled from his sad spot on the wet ground only to be stopped by a big, dark dog. Stick automatically got terrified, because he knew the horrible reputation dogs had with his fellow sticks. He heard that Steve got chewed to death by one.

Stick tried to crawl away, but he wasn't fast enough. The huge dog picked him up in his slobbery mouth. The sudden motion made Stick feel nauseous. He had to close his eyes as the dog bounded away with him. A few seconds later, Stick felt himself be put down. He opened one eye and saw that the dog had found someone else to torment. Stick looked up and saw a great, big tree. He got filled with hope when he recognized it. It was his tree!

But he automatically dropped when he saw a familiar leaf on the ground.

"Leafy!" He called. She painfully turned her brown head to him, Stick realized that Leafy was barely alive.

"Stick," She croaked. Now was his chance.

"Leafy, I---" But he was cut off by the running feet that came closer. He screamed as they crushed Leafy to dust.

"NOOO! LEAFY!!!" He cried, crawling to her. There was no coming back from the disaster. Stick no longer cared when the kid picked him up and snapped him in half to hear the satisfying crunch, because he had nothing else to live for.


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