A girl who born in 1July,1991, she born to be a angel, to be a queen of our hearts... Her name is Serenay, she is a turkish actress but she still is very,very known person in different countries. My name is Serenayist. I got this name for her, she know to play very hard at movies/series, now she is playing "Mira Beylice" at the serie "MedCezir".
I can't to describe her,if one day she tweet me, i think i'd have a heart attack...
My love for her is infinity, i will do everything for her, just only she say my name, i..i love her too much and hope one day she will tweet me. I have bestfriends who have idol her, their name are Dafina&Adonisa.. we are crazy Serenayists and we accept this , cuz our love for her is to the moon and back, she is just..just a miracle.
Happened a miracle to me,because, I, recognized this talented girl, that she change my life save my life, she helped me when nobody did it... I want to say at her :"I love you, Serenay, my everything,my life,my all, love you" .