The Beginning

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Serena's House 🏡

Grace: Serena! Get up
(No reply)
Grace: Fletchling, do you're job
Serena: No! Don't, I'm awake!
Grace: I thought so (smirking)
Serena: Ugh 😑
(Grace turns on the tv)
Reporter: Breaking news// A mind-controlled Garchomp is at the top of Prism Tower,a young trainer and his Pikachu are climbing it now, (showing Ash climbing it)

On Prism Tower

Ash: Garchomp, we're here to help!
(Garchomp fired hyper beam at them but Ash, Pikachu and Froakie dodged)
Pikachu: pika pi (about to use thunderbolt)
Ash: Pikachu NO! We come in peace
(Garchomp stumbles and nearly falls off of the tower but Froakie uses frubbles on Garchomps feet)
Ash: Good job Froakie, Pikachu use Iron Tail on Garchomps collar!
Pikachu: Pikaaaa-Chuuuuuuuuu
(The collar broke but part of Prism tower crumbled and Pikachu was sent hurling to his death)
(Ash dived off of the tower after Pikachu, grabbing Pikachu in a tight hug)

Serena's House 🏡

Serena and Grace: Oh my god that's Ash!!!
Grace: I'm calling Delia to turn on the news now!
(In Serena's head) Oh Ash!! I love you, please live for me
Serena: (quietly) Please Live, I need you.
(On the television, it showed Ash and Pikachu being saved by Blaziken)
Grace & Serena: Phew, Luckily Delia saw, she's going to cancel Ash's journey and take him back to Pallet Town now, as he was silly and put his life at risk
Serena: No! Ash is a great trainer, he can't be taken away
Grace: He was reckless, Pikachu is a thing Serena!
Serena: Pokémon aren't tools, they are our friends! Ash shows a true bond and respect with his Pokémon so tell Delia to keep him going!

5 minutes later

Grace: Delia won't let Ash continue his journey, Sorry Serena
(Serena ran off and cried)
Grace: Delia, send Ash to do jobs for Professor Sycamore as a punishment
Delia: Good idea, I shall send him now

Ash x Serena: The lost MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now