magic in steel

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Many years ago there lived a beautiful but poor family, just outside the city of graymount 312 miles  north of Ireland.
It was not your average city, but a city none the less.
                  The city had a population of around 17 000 people, 10% wealthy 30% working class and 60%fighting to survive.
Most where scraping by on whatever they could beg,borrow,or steel.
Many had nothing to live for so ended there life's in whatever way they could.
The poor family this story is about had much the same troubles  but had a little more to live for.
And only by chance did the father bill meet an old man who treated him as his own son, as he himself was a boy many years before, he died and left his run down rat infested small farm  to bill.
Bill had a beautiful but tired looking wife called Mary, and one son who they named Paul after his grandfather.
Mary was agenst any sort of vilonce, and made bill know this many times.
As bill was putting up or mending  fences wherever they where needed came upon a shiny object just under his left Boot.
Money he thought as he bent over to pick up the shiny thing.
Dammit he said in a disappointing tone.
But decided  to take it home and clean it anyway.
It was a beautiful shiny pocket knife, that cleaned up like new.
Bill was starting to break out into a smile, something he had forgotten to do for sometime.
It was not like past where he was going to supply the family's next meal.
But this time he thought about Paul's up coming birthday, and how he had nothing to give him.
You see Paul was turning out to be a young gentlemen almost 16 now, so bill knew what ever he had to give him would never be enough.
Just as he thought this, the knife was knocked on to the floor.
Then he remembered what his loving wife had said, never was she far from his heart and even though she ment the world to him,so too did Paul.
So as Mary baked a cake that was good! ( her best effort ) it turned out to look nothing like a cake.
The party  was a success, and now came time for the gifts.
And more time came and went, but nothing came from anyone. The look on Paul's face could of made the hardest man cry.
But he fought back the tears, and through a broken smile turned to thank everyone.
Mary who knew Paul the best was starting to show a mother's love at her child's disappointing expression but she too turned away.
Bill who had gone outside early, for he was the hardest man Paul knew and he also was fighting a lump in his throat and through tearing eyes found it hard to speek.
Son  I'm sorry I forgot to say mother and I had this knife for you.
Well!! Paul's tears dried up and a beautiful smile his father had never seen before had took away the lump in his throat and words of joy came back to bill.
Paul shouting as he ran to his friends father this is the best birthday ever thankyou!.
Bill turned to now tell.his loving wife just what he had done.
He struggled to find the currage to face her.
Paul and his friends desided to make the knife his forever.
So set  about putting his intls on the knife.
Let's go hunting the young men shouted.
Bill was still looking for the strangh to speek to Mary.
The young men had gone miles at this stage.
Let's play good and bad guys, Paul you have the knife so your the bad one.
Paul loved the chance to show how with the conferdence the knife give him,how well he could play the bad guy.
Some time later Paul and his friends started on there long journey home, and as Paul reached around to put the knife away in his back pocket, it slipped and fell into the long grass.
It was not till Paul got home did he realise that he had lost the knife.
Bill was still trying to catch Mary in a good mood.
But Paul came down from his room sad,what's wrong Mary asked.
I have lost your birthday gift mother. What gift she replied.
The knife you and father give me, well if the earth were to open it would not be big enough to hide from Mary's rath.
Go you to bed son and it's ok honestly it is going to be fine.
Bill have you something you would like to share with me .
I'm tired bill said , we can chat in the morning.
As the family slept a sinister plot was happening not fat from bill and Mary's farm house.
A local florist girl from the best part of town was walking home, but was stopped by a tall dark man wishing to  get directions.
She was a young beautiful caring sort of girl.
One who helped everyone, but on that night her help was taking by that man out for his own gratification, as easy pray.
As a piece of meat, something to be used then thrown away.
As she was fighting for dear life, knowing this was not how she wanted to leave this beautiful earth she kicked and punched.
Her cloths where yanked instead of having the romance she always dreamed of having, where she would be the one to undress herself .
She became tired but had one last kick in her.
And to the surprise of the evil dark stranger, who thought he had the upper hand, fell back far enough to let her have one last try at escape
She slid her bruised,tired, but not broken body left to right, moving all the time away screaming from death.
Her hand latched unto something and knew this could be what will make her live or die.
It was a knife it opened because of the ware it had.
She struck out at the darkness, not knowing if it will work.
But also thought what have I to lose.
She heard a cry you " bitch."
She ran never looking back, by this time the police where looking for her also her father.
He had those bad feeling you get and holding back his tears, waiting on someone  shouting " I found her ".
But the only shout he heard was ( daddy daddy ) .
He ran to her and fell to his knees crying as he could not hold his true happiness back no more.
The dark stranger was never found but the knife was.
With the intls pm. Eched into its handle The family of bill and Mary where called before the local authority, because of the knife lead police to that family.
Bill was ready for anything but prepared for nothing.
Mary was still on bills back about the knife. Bill give Paul.
Three wooden box's  where brought before them, and the magstrate told them to pick one each.
Only when your faced with uncertainty will you shine with your best.
Bill took his box  there was deeds to a farm house ready for him to move into, and Mary took hers she had the freedom of any shop her heart wanted for there new home.
But Paul got he's hearts disere.
A police job with a badge and he has been catching the people of the dark every since.
                    The knife!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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