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my friend since middle school Omar waved good bye to me he liked boys and people didn't respect him for that but I did but when I was getting in my uber he had tears in his eyes I had to move because I feel like Houston,Texas isn't a good place for me there isn't enough job opportunities that will support me and my family cause if I ain't eating they're not so I got to do this for them.

I looked out the window one more time waving bye to him I already rented me out a place down in Atlanta so I'm good as of right now I stared out of the window to get one more look at Houston.

3hr 55 min later

I woke up to loud sounds like people beeping horns I looked up to see we was in traffic I yawned and turned on my phone scrolling on instagram I wanted to post a picture so that's what I did.

I woke up to loud sounds like people beeping horns I looked up to see we was in traffic I yawned and turned on my phone scrolling on instagram I wanted to post a picture so that's what I did

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Nykia:Atlanta is my new home permanently 😁😍

I got comments back to back basically asking why I moved from Houston and blah blah blah

"ma'am is this your location?"the uber driver asked me

I looked out the window to see him in front of a gated community I nodded to him and he went in he drove me to my condo and I got out and he helped me with my bags I thanked him and gave him 70.89 because of how many miles I was going it wasn't that much to me.I pulled my bags in the house it was pretty but I have to go grocery shopping and house shopping tomorrow I got a long day tomorrow so I just fell asleep on the floor it was hard as fuck but I had to all my house belongings is in Houston all I bring was some of my clothes i transferred my business in the mall to sell my clothes and cosmetic items that I have up my sleeve for these beautiful woman I went to sleep thinking about that and how Atlanta might work out for me.

Next day

I woke up and searched through my suitcases looking for my toothbrush and toothpaste I found some clothes to put on it was some light blue ripped jeans a white shirt with my black coat over it and some white Jordan's and put my hair in two braids I went to brush my teeth and the water was cold I guess I can't have no hot water until I pay my bills and plus I just got here so that is crazy my uber was outside so I walked and got in

"How are you doing this
morning,where may I take you beautiful"this uber driver think he slick

"Um fine,and can you take me to Wells Fargo and after that can you take me to the Lenox mall please"he nodded and drove off

I was hoping they sent all of my stuff from my store to this store I just bought in the mall I just prayed and hoped.

"Wait right here for me"he nodded his head and I went to the ATM and put in my code and got a couple of thousands out about 8 all I had in my account was 20 gs that I had for college but I decided not to go it wasn't for me so I used it to start my business but it didn't work out in Houston so that is why I am in Atlanta

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