Midnight Falls

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My names Megan,i have short curly blond hair, blue eyes, tan, and I'm 15. I have a little sister, her names Anna, she has short hair, she's 8 years old, and has blue eyes like mine. Mom died when she was pregnant with Anna.Dad blamed us and abused me and Anna every day. I tried to help Anna when dad was done beating her. Everyday when dad came home drunk me or Anna would get raped.One day when I came back from school my dad told me that we were moving to Midnight Falls.

(Chapter 1)

BEEP,BEEP,BEEP,went the alarm clock. I quickly turned off the alarm clock.Me and Anna shared a room in the attic.

"Morwing mommy",Anna said.Even though she was my sister I didn't mind her calling me mom.We get fed every Wednesday.Our dad gives us a piece of bread and some water. I give her half of my bread everyday. Each time she gets beat or raped I clean her up a little bit. I got out of bed and got dressed.I put on a long sleeve and pants."By Anna", I said giving her hug before I left. I went down stairs and out the door to wait for the bus. The bus driver is the only person who knows about me and Anna.the bus driver is 20, she has long hair,tan,and green eyes.Every Monday she gives me a subway and some new cloths. The bus pulled up to my house.

I got on the bus and said hi to the bus driver. I sat in the very back. My head was against the window.

"We're here",Annie said (the bus driver).I got up out of my seat and walked of the bus. I walked through the double doors and went to the cafeteria. I only have three beat friends in the hole school. There name are:destiny,kacy,and summer.

Destiny has Blond hair and green eyes,her hair is three inches blow her shoulders,tan,and she's 15. Kacy has long dirty blond hair,hazel eyes, and she's 15.Summer has short curly red hair, brown eyes,tan, and she is 15.Summer is the only one (besides the bus driver) that knows. "Hi guys",i said sitting down."Hi", they all said at the same time."Guess what my dad told me", I said to all of them."What",Kacy said."Sunday my dad told me that we were moving to midnight falls", I told them."Megan guess what",Kacy said.

"What", I asked."I bought you a phone with unlimited minutes", Kacy told me pulling out a texting phone out of her pocket."Thank you", I said taking the phone."Why are you moving", Destiny said."Your moving", kacy said."Yea I just said that", I said."My dad", I said answering destiny's question."Aww", Summer said.A few minutes later the bell rang."Hey want to skip the hole day", Summer asked. "No", kacy and destiny said at the same time."I do",i said."Ok let's spend the hole day in the bathroom", Summer told me.Ae all got up me and summer went to the bathroom and kacy and destiny went to class.When me and Summer went to bathroom we both sat on the floor."Ok tell me the truth what the real reason why your moving",Summer asked me."Dad got caught doing drugs", I told her. I lied.


After school was over I got my friends number and left.I was going to miss them so much. When I got home Annie gave me a subway and 2 pairs of jeans.I went inside and ran upstairs."Your back",Anna said."Here you go", I said giving her the subway."Thank you", she said taking a bite."Oh Megan", my dad said.I ran down stairs and into the living room."This is mike he's 17", my dad told me."Hi", I said."Go on", my dad said. Mike grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to my dads room. He pined me on the bed and riped my shirt.


When he was done he told me go upstairs to my room.(a.n. I wasn't going to explain what he did).I ran upstairs to my room.I was crying by now."What happen", Anna asked."Nothing really", I told her. I pulled out a tank-top and some shorts.When I was done putting them on I pulled out the phone that kacy gave me."What doin", Anna asked me.

"Calling 911",i told her."Hello this is 911 what's your emergency", the police officer said."My dad just raped me", I said.Dad came busting through the door."What the hell do you think your doing", dad said walking towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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