Mysterious Package

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"Thank you all once again for watching, I love you all and I will see every single one of you in the next video! Always keep going, I believe in you! Bye!" you excitedly yelled in front of your newly purchased Sony PMW-300 One XDCAM as you clicked the stop button on your computer. You had just finished another part of the Resident Evil 7: Bio-hazard game for your PC and thought now would be a good time to stop and get some relaxation before editing it and working on other games. You roll your head making slight cracking noises in your neck as you stretched your arms up above your head and yawned loudly, arching your back, feeling your muscles slowly relax from the continuous sitting in one place. you throw your arms down huffing loudly then stand up, turning on your heel, catching yourself on the side of your computer desk before you could fall, and stroll off to the kitchen, snacks and pop on your mind. You were quite a bit behind other Youtubers with the Resident Evil game but you were just satisfied you were able to even get it at the time you did. As you wondered into your lazily cleaned kitchen you start to scavenge the fridge for supplements, humming the tune to Ballad of  Mona Lisa from Panic at the Disco while swaying your hips a bit, as the song started to reach it's chorus you couldn't help but sing to it, the music practically coursing through your soul at that point.

"Whoa oh oh oh ohhh! Mona Lisa! You're guaranteed to run this town! Whoa oh oh oh ohhh! Mona Lisa! I'd pay to see you frown!" you exclaimed in delight, letting your voice echo through the empty house. you pulled out a can of Pepsi and some slices of pizza, putting them on a plate as your phone suddenly vibrated to life from an incoming text message. Glancing over at it you shut the fridge with a bump from your hip and put the pizza in the microwave, pushing one minute you reach over and grab your phone, checking it. There was a new message from Mark, otherwise known as Markiplier, another Youtuber, you smiled at the screen and start texting him back. You had met Markiplier at a Youtubers and gamer convention near your home town not long ago and instantly clicked, well, actually, you ended up accidentally hitting him in the face while testing out a newly designed VR head and body set, giving him a bloody nose but he forgave you and you tried making it up to him as much as you could that weekend, which caused you two to talk and become friends.

"Hey (Y/N)! How are you?"

"Heyo! I am doing great, just finished recording a video for my channel, how about you?"

"oh cool! Just relaxing really, about to record the new Mass Effect game, speaking of games, did you hear that new VR is coming out really soon with an amazing game, they didn't say what the game was but it's suppose to be frickin awesome" 

" don't mean that VR I was testing out a while ago...right?" you grimace at the thought of hitting mark in the face and pout, opening the microwave and taking out your limp bubbling pizza. Taking a instant bite without thinking of the consequences you suddenly spit out the pizza, your tongue burning at an extreme heat and crack open your pop, chugging it down to cool off your mouth. You slam down your pop and gasp for air, coughing a bit as you regain your composure.

"Holy shit that was hot!" You gasped as your phone vibrated loudly again. you reach over and check it again, typing away.

"lol yes that is the one I believe, that was a Beta though, they are creating an Alpha version that is suppose to be better than any VR before and after it. Apparently you can attach it to your body and actually move your body to the game like you are actually in it! I think its going to be an early release for us Youtubers though, I guess to test it out? anyway! I'm stoked!" 

You giggle a bit and start to reply until a text message appears at the top from Pewdiepie, other wise know as Felix, you met him at the same convention...he was dying laughing at Markipliers misfortune with his nose and tried to see if you could recreate the scene so he could record it. You grin a bit remembering how he could hardly breathe from that incident and go to click it until another message covers his, showing it was from your childhood friend, Kyra.

"Ayye Chika! I heard a new game will be coming out soon! are you excited? I call dibs on being your next guest star!...or are you saving that for little ol' markimoo? ;) " 

You cough a bit seeing her message and blush hard, it was true you had a crush on him but who didn't? Plus he already had a gf, you thought he did anyway, but you weren't going to push your luck, you were just gonna be his friend, and maybe one day one of his best friends, hopefully. After a moment you start replying to your messages as you munch your pizza, looking outside every now and again. It was a rather beautiful April day, birds were chirping and there was a nice little breeze coming through your opened window, the smell of freshly cut grass filled your kitchen, making you inhale deeply from the fresh air. You took a look around as you waited for replies, your kitchen was quite bare with chipped white paint on the walls and plain tiled floors, however you did have a marbled island in your kitchen covered with different articles for games and cluttered with art materiel's. You glanced over to your living room, which was directly in front of your kitchen, shrouded in brown carpet and a black leather sofa, a love seat next to it and a few table tops with lamps on them and other little cluttered utensils. A flat screen TV hung on the wall in front of the sofa and love seat, collecting dust due to not being very cleanly with house work.

Your phone suddenly lit up with a text from Markiplier, you tap the message to read it just as your doorbell suddenly rang out. Setting it down on the counter top you stroll on over to the front door and look threw the peep hole, seeing a tall man holding a package, distorted from the glass. Raising an eyebrow you turn the knob and open the door,

"Hello?" you asked, concerned a bit. The man looked down at you and smiled sweetly,

"Miss (Y/N)?"


"I have a package for you" he said as he handed you a rather large brown box that was unprofessionally wrapped and taped, you looked down at it and paused,

"A big brown box...taped sender...that's not suspicious at all...but hey! big package! hell yea!" you stifled a giggle at your inner thoughts then grabbed the box and nodded to him, thanking him. You turn away and shut the door, the package was kind of heavy so you had to waddle your way to your coffee table in your living room. You plopped it down, careful to not break the table and inspected the box. After careful consideration, not really, you ripped the tape off and opened the box, inside was a complete full set of what looked like a rather expensive, brand new, limited edition, VR head and body set.

"Virtual Reality Alpha Omega Silver: Version 9.99?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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