Coming Out Prompts

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Prompt: Well, I actually would like to read a prompt about Travis and Alex of Coming Out. Alex was so young when he got together with Travis. I would like to know how their relationship evolved. (Also.. still routing for Gavin and Collin.. I think they would actually make a really hilarious college couple). So, how about you write a prompt about Travis and Alex when Alex is in his senior year of high school?

A.N.- This was such an interesting prompt! I never gave much thought to Alex and Trav once their story was done. But I tried to picture how they would've changed in that time. So I hope this prompt shows how the characters have changed, and how their relationship progressed!


                The bell rang and I stood up, grateful that the day was over. I stayed close to the walls as I walked towards my locker, keeping my head down.

                Someone slammed me against the wall. I winced and hurried away, down to my locker.

                I put in my combination and pulled my books out, trying to remind myself that I only had a little while longer before I would graduate high school. Then I would be away at college, away from all the assholes that went to this school.

                Still, things were going much better than they had during my sophomore year. After Collin and Josh had graduated, all the bullies they had kept at bay went all out. It had been a nightmare of a year.

                I left the school and went down, getting into my car. I drove myself home, considering Skyping with Trav tonight. I missed him so much when he was away at college.

                I pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. I went inside and was surprised to see my mom and dad sitting in the living room together.

                Dad was resting on the couch, but he smiled at me as I came in. He had been getting steadily worse, and my nightmares of him dying were driving me crazy.

                “How was school?” he asked in that raspy voice of his.

                “It was good,” I said. “Mom, I thought you had work today?”

                “I took the nightshift off, dear. Go set your stuff down,” she said, a smile breaking through to her face.

                Confused, I turned and made my way into my bedroom. I set my bag down and sighed, running a hand through my hair.

                I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had grown up quite a bit in the past 4 years. I didn’t look like a young kid anymore. I looked like…well, like a young man.

                “Ow, shit!” I hissed as I stubbed my toe against my desk.

                “That’s some naughty language, Alexander.”

                I jumped in shock and spun around. A huge smile broke out onto my face at the sight of my brother lounging casually on my bed.

                “Collin!” I cried.

                My 21 year old brother stood up and came over, pulling me into a tight hug. “I missed you, Al,” he said.

                “I didn’t know you were coming home tonight. I thought you were coming home in two days,” I said, burying my face against his shoulder.

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