The Pickings

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RainPack pov
  The sun burned though the leafs I lay in the traineys den asleep. My eyes opened to see Ivy,Lilly and Jay sleeping on one side of the den and Kia and Spark  sleeping on the other Blaze was by me I look out the entrance to the den.

  Though the entrance I can see in to the guards den. Most of them are sleeping a few where out guarding the camp or territory.I look to blaze his orange pelt shinning in sun. I nuzzle him "Wake up!"I whisper "Come on the suns already up!"
He looks to me"What Bloodtail?"he grunts sleepily."The suns already up!" I repeat. He gets up and walks to the side with Ivy,Lily and jay.
    I get up my red and Grey pelt shinning in the sun.I walk over to Kia and Spark and I nuzzle Kia "Wake up!" I say she jumps to her paws."Can I wake up spark?" she says cheerfully.
   "sure."I roles my eyes and smiled. She ran cheerfully to Spark and with no warning she jumped on his tail. I started laughing instantly.Spark jumped to his paws growling
    "Ow!KIA!That hurt!" I stood there laughing.
   Ginger the hunter walked in "What are you pups doing?" he said in a firm fearless vosie I stop laughing and look down "Kia jumped on my tail!"Spark canplained "I tripped!" she said  with puppy dog eyes starring at Ginger.
   "Kia stop with the puppy eyes, It would only work if you we're still a pup!" he growled "But dad I'm not lieing!" she Said urgently "Go eat pups!"ordered "Yes sir"I said respectively
  We walked out side I look to Ivy,Lily,jay,Kia,Spark and Blaze

all where walking by me."Go eat."he  repeated as he turned away to go do his duties.I walked over to the food bank and I took out a raven I sit down a little away from the hole and begin to eat.

  I ate it then I herd a howl from the hill I walked over and sat down swallowing the last bit of Raven,And I looked up at Raina my Alpha."Today is the pickings you will all travel to ice pack territory But first you will meet the other packs at the six stones and will travel with them to the cave and that is where you will do your test to see what job you will undertake!"she barked cheerfully "say farewell to your loved ones then meet at the entrance to leave!" My  tail dropped between my legs and my ears drop.
      This can't be happening already!  I'm ready! I hold my tail up and try to look confident how to say farewell to family but I don't have any my mom died giving brith and my dad ... He just...left.

    I walk to the entrance we all leave heading to the six Stones, which is just 6 big stones by every territory. I look around, Many traineys from other dens walk with us. I walk to Kia,She seemed fine she was happy as ever.

   "Bloodtail! Aren't you excited!?" she barks "s..sure."I stuttered nervously."Are you ok?"she look at me concerned but she still had a smile on her face.
   "Yeah just nervous."I say looking at her."I under stand you could get the worst job ever and you could hate it for the rest of your life or enjoy it!" she barks. I'm not sure if she was trying to scar me or be weird. I drop my ears at her "Don't scar her!She has a right to be scared!" Said jay

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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