My Best Friend's Brother

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Berkelieghs POV

"Berkeliegh, come on sweety. Your gonna be late!" My mom yelled from downstairs. A few seconds past and I didn't reply so she decided to come upstairs with the water sprayer. She only got that out when I didn't get up, and usually I got up before she had to get it. But I didn't today. She looked down at me in my bed and said "Come on Berkeliegh, you only have one more week left before summer." I still don't understand why I have to go. There not even calling role anymore.

I got up and put on my favorite blue sequence shirt and pale pink jeans with blue sparkly flats. Then I put my long blonde hair up in a bun with a tiny pale pink bow to go with my jeans. After that I brushed my teeth and put a light layer of makeup on. I went down stairs and saw the note on the counter. "Berkeliegh, I had to leave early. Me staying to wake you up made me late. Sorry have a good day. Love you. -mom xx

Okay then. I walked outside and it is pouring raining so I grab my blue umbrella. Quickly noticing that my umbrella matched my outfit, I laughed to myself. I walked out the door, got in my car, and drove off to school.


When I got to school, I parked my light yellow 2009 Volkswagen bug convertible in the student parking lot. Then I walked up to school and saw my best friend, Carmen, waiting by the doors for me. When she saw me, she ran up to me and nearly knocked me down. She was screaming about some guy she had went out with Friday night.

We walked into first hour and Mrs.Smith is yapping about the Pythagorean theorem. What ever that is.

Me and Carman walked in and she just exploded. "Where have you two been?!?" "Mrs.Smith, the tardy bell hasn't even rang." Carman told her in a rather rude tone. Oh, but yes it h-" just as she was saying that it has, it rang. She looked at us and told us to take our seats. Ha. Told ya, bitch!

As we took our seats, a fight broke out right in front of us. We just laughed and chanted "Emily! Emily! Emily!" until two guys had to break it up. They were just going at it. Never stopping. And Emily was beating the shit out of that girl. She probably had enough of that girls rumors and shit. She was the school rumor starter. And she NEVER shut her mouth. Anyway, Emily busted her lip open and then gave her a black eye. All Emily got was a scratch on her neck.

After it was broken up and those two girls were sent to the office, Mrs.Smith continued with class.


At lunch, we went to our usual table. Just us, Jamie, and Bentley today because Haley isn't here today. Bentley, as I found out earlier today, was the guy that Carmen went out with Friday night.

"Have fun Friday night, you two?" Jamie asked. Did he know and I didn't? "You knew? Before me?" "Yep" he smirked at me. "Carmen. I'm insulted." I joked with her and she looked hurt. I'm kidding! Chill." I reassured her. Her face perked back up. "Yea, we did." Bentley said winking at Carmen. I widened my eyes at that and she giggled at me.

And five minutes later, Carmen's brother, Zac, walked to our table. He never comes over here. "What do you want?" Carmen asked, clearly annoyed. "Can't a big brother come say hey to his little sister without her being a buttface to him?" he questioned. I almost choked on my lunch. "Buttface?!" I asked laughing. "Yea, buttface. You know like what Carmen's being." Zac replied, giggling.

Zac's giggle was cute. He was cute. Wait, what? That's my best friend's brother. I can't think he's cute. It's just wrong. Carmen would hate me... I think.

I was going to her house tonight. We were at one of our houses every Monday night. And tonight it was her house. I just hope Zac would be at his friends house or something. Or just not there for me to drool over. I have got to stop this. This guy is my best friends brother. I gotta over it.


We got to seventh hour and I sat down and laid my head on my desk. I fell asleep and 20 mins into class.


I woke up and saw Zac's bright blue eyes. Looking at me. This sent chills down my spine. I loved it. I got up out the bed and walked to the bathroom. As I passed by the trash can, I saw 3 condoms full of stuff. Yes, that stuff.

I don't know what happened last night. And I'm kinda scared to find out... I peed and walked back into the bedroom. He was sitting on his bed leaning u against the headboard on his phone. When he saw me his eye got soft and he smiled. He was shirtless and you could clearly see his perfectly toned abs through the sheets. He started to speak, "I-


"Berkeliegh! Berkeliegh! Wake up!!" I woke up to Carmen telling me to get up and come on. The bell rang and I didn't even hear it. So I got up and walked out the door to my locker. I got my purse out and I put my books and pen in it and walked out the door. I met Carmen by the door and we walked to my car. She usually rides with Zac, but we are going to go to my house and pic my things up.

When we got to my house, no one was home. So we went up to my room, but grabbed a snack before we did. I got all of my stuff that I needed and put it in a bag. I grabbed my stuff and we went down stairs. We got to the door and I realized I forgot my toothbrush. I went back up to get it and my tv was on so I went to turn it off. Before my finger found the off button, I saw it. The list of people who were killed or injured in car wrecks today. As I read the list to make sure no one I knew was on there, just like I do every time I see that list. I saw his name. Zac Efron. Carmen's brother. He was at the local North Oaks hospital. I nearly fainted....

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