Our Story Begins

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"Miss. (Y/N)! Wake up, the Master and Mistress require your presense." (Y/N) groans at the voice of her house elf Dolly. "Dolly understands, Miss. (Y/N), but Dolly has orders for Miss. (Y/N) to be downstairs as soon as possible in sutable attire." Dolly continues in ernest.

"Okay, Dolly, but I give you an order to only call me (Y/N) unless Mother and Father are in earshot." (Y/N) grumbles, rolling (quite literally) out of bed.

"Yes (Y/N)!" Dolly chirps as she places a dress on (Y/N)'s bed as her Miss. (Y/N) grimaces at the pain of landing on her face. "Master and Mistress have visiters, (Y/N). Dolly isn't supposed to tell (Y/N) who however, but (Y/N) must have a smile on her face."

(Y/N) grins at her house elf. She scrambles up from her position of lying face down on the floor and tells Dolly to "go have some down time" while handing the loyal house elf and friend a sticker. This exchange has become a tradition of sorts between the pair.

A scramble ensues of (Y/N) pulling on the pale blue, simple dress that Dolly picked out, grabbing some knickers and wiggling them on as she looked for a pair of matching shoes. She smirks in triumph as she finds the shoes she is looking for and heads over to her dressing table. (Y/N) frowns at her birdsnest of (H/C) hair and tackles it with an enchanted hairbrush (a much faster and nicer affair than using a muggle hairbrush) and took and deep breath as she finished.

Sliding down banisters as she went, (Y/N) descended three floors and dashed towards the livingroom, stopping just outside the door. (Y/N) straightened her dress, tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear and took another deep breath before knocking on the living room door.

"Enter." rang out the clear voice of your mother, (M/N) Divine.
Without a moment of hesitation, (Y/N) placed her hand on the doornob and twisted it to open the door, placing a well rehearsed elegant smile over her features.

"Ah! At last, my gorgeous little princess!" Sir (F/N) Divine, (Y/N)'s father, exclaims dramatically and his precious daughter closes the door behind her.

(Y/N) subtly rolls her eyes at her fathers antics as she glides over to his side. It is at this point (Y/N) gets a glimpse at the visiters Dolly spoke of.

A grim faced woman stood before the Divines with a rather unappealing smile on her features. (Y/N) smiled at this woman, though she would rather not. It was at this point the young girl noticed two boys. One seemed to be slightly older than her and the other about a year younger.

"These," her mother began, "are the Blacks." As her mother made to introduce the woman, she, rather rudely, cut her off.

"Yes," the woman beamed a less than elegant smile, that didn't seem right on her features. "These are my sons, Regulus," she gestured at the younger boy who seemed rather interested in the carpet. "and Sirius." she finished gesturing at the boy who seemed about the same age as (Y/N), ten or eleven.

(Y/N) curtseyed at the family, she assumed they would be her playdate partners or the older boy, Sirius, would be betrothed to her, as that was the custom. Even then she wouldn't mind, the older one seemed quite interesting.

"Yes, well, now that we're all introduced," Sir Divine continued, ignoring a look from his wife, "we should tell you children the reason for this gathering." His wife nodded approvingly. "(Y/N) and Sirius will be attending Hogwarts, hopefully together, this year. Regulus will be attending next year, so we would like for the three of you to stick together as much as possible. We will leave you three to get to know each other while us adults have some tea in the dining room."

As the adults let the room (Y/N)'s father gave her a thumbs up, to which so responded with a withering look. The door closed and a short silence ensued, giving the trio time to look each other over.

Regulus opened his mouth first. "You are a pureblood, aren't you?" (Y/N) sent the boy one of her withering looks as she sat on the sofa dropping her smiley facade.

"But of course, otherwise your darling mother wouldn't be here would she?" (Y/N) questioned, sarcasm lacing her words.

Sirius snorted. "So, princess, I heard from Bellatrix that you're a bit of a prankster." He flopped onto the sofa next to her.

(Y/N) grinned. While Bellatrix Black, Sirius and Regulus' cousin, was staying at the Divine Mansion while their parents created a business agreement, (Y/N) had added dye to Bellatrix's shampoo, causing her hair to be an inconspicuous shade of purple. Unless she were to go outside, of course, then it would have been blindingly obvious. It was safe to say she and Bellatrix were not on the best of terms.
(Y/N) hid her grin quickly. "What's it to you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Regulus sighed and left the room, much to (Y/N)'s joy. He didn't seem like the most joyful of characters.

"Well, seems like I've found my new best friend." Sirius grinned, nudging her "It'll be amazing to see what you can get up to when magic is in the picture!"

(Y/N) grinned back. "Wouldn't you like to know." Unbeknownst to Sirius, (Y/N) had a rather incredible prank planned, she just needed supplies and someone to help, but she wasn't about to tell Sirius until she knew she could trust him.

The duo left the room, the beginnings of a seriously strong friendship growing between them.

They entered the dining room, smiling brightly. They exchanged a glance as they noticed Mrs. Divine giggling and her husband trying (and failing) to give the two an inconspicuous thumbs up.

Word count: 1012

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