Chapter 1 - Where's the fuccing tea?

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 There was a lil' boy by the name of Karl. And one day Karl started craving some tea. The brunette boy went in the kitchen to get some tea but *GASP* there was no tea! Karl gasp and fell back. He got up and looked to his right. And there stood Chewy, his dog. Chewy had something in his mouth and it was...TEA BAGS?!? "Chewy give me the tea bags right now"

Chewy ran off with them and Karl chased after. What was Chewy doing with the tea bags? Who knows?! After a couple minutes of running, Chewy stopped running. He stopped next to a pit of fire!? Where did that come from.... WHATEVER!Karl has to save that tea. 

"Chewy no. Drop the tea bags and nothing will happen."

But Chewy said no and dropped the tea bags into the pit of fire. Chewy then ran off into Karl's room to fuk sum shit up. But Karl didn't care about that. He only cared about the tea. 

Karl dropped to his knees. "No...not the tea..."

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