Chapter One: The Cafe

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     "Shea! Get down here! You're gonna be late for school!" I yelled. It was already 6:30, and she takes forever in the mornings to get up.
     "I'm too tired. Can I skip school just this once?" She asked as she dragged herself to the table.
"No, you have to go to school! You have that math test, and You would have to go even earlier tomorrow to retake it!" I scolded.               
     She huffed and popped an eggo waffle in the toaster, before going back to her room to get ready.
      I'm happy that she is happy here in our new apartment.
      I know she misses Dad, they were really close. She understood though why we had to leave. She saw what he did to me, and I'll never forget.
      I went into my room and threw on my waitresses outfit. I went into the bathroom and pinned my hair into an updo, brushed my teeth, and put some makeup on.
     I walked into the kitchen to see Shea eating her waffle, all ready for school. It was 7:08.
     "Cmon, let's go," I groaned. Shea giggled.
     She knew neither of us wanted to go. We hopped into my old rusty PT Cruiser, and started off to Shea's School.
      "So," I started. "How's Aiden?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.
"It's great! For Valentine's Day, he made me cookies and got me a stuffed bear!"
     Aiden was Sheas boyfriend. I know, it's too young, but if he makes her happy, I'm fine wth it.        
     Not that Aiden's a bad guy, he treats her well and takes her to the movies and crap.
"Really? That's awesome!" I exclaimed. I love how my little sister has better luck with guys than me. Oh well, it's life.
     I pulled the car up next to her school, and she jumped out and ran inside so she wasn't late.
     I smiled at how normal it felt to take care of her. Was this what being a Mother was like?
     It killed me that Shea didn't grow up with a Mom. Our mother left when I was 14, and Shea was only 7.
     I still don't know why, she was a great mom, and Dad loved her so much. When she left, Dad was so depressed. He didn't leave his room for days, and was never the same since.
     He drowned his sorrows in Alcohol, and I had to take on the parental role for Shea.

     I pulled up to the cafe almost in tears. As soon as I walked in, Melissa saw my face and gave me a big hug. "Rough Day?" She asked, and I just nodded. She has been so great to me since I started my job at the cafe.
     "Don't get any tears in this pastry and give it to that dude over there," she said, pointing to a guy over in the corner.
     He looked about my age, and was pretty cute. I fixed my apron, tucked a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear, and walked over to him with my tray.
     "Here is your Apple Pastry, sir," I said.
      "Thanks. Could I have a small black coffee?" He asked, smiling.
      "Sure, no problem," I smiled, walking back to the kitchen.
      "Eeeeek!" Melissa screamed as I filled the coffee cup. Damn that girl was loud. My free hand flew to my ears.
      "That guy is SO into you!" She squealed. I shook my head, smiling.
      She was the kind of person who was attracted to everyone.             She tries setting me up with tons of guys, but I just don't have the time for relationships right now.
      I filled the mug up with coffee and brought it over to the guy.
      "I'm Jacob, by the way," he said. Jacob, nice name, I thought.
      "Anika," I said.
      "I have to get to work but I'm off tomorrow, I was wondering if you were free tomorrow maybe we could go somewhere?" He asked.
       He seemed like a nice guy, it wouldn't hurt to go out just once.
      "Sure," I said. He smiled, and scribbled something on a piece of paper.
     "Here's my number. Text me," he said, and left the cafe.

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