He Was My Best Friend, Now He's A Hot Stranger I Can Only See When I'm Sleeping

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my first story! the prologue takes place several years before the actual story.


Ever wonder what it would be like if dreams were real? If a world of dreams existed what would happen there? Daring adventures? Whimsical afternoons in strange places? Star crossed love?

Welcome to Capria...


"Ally?" a young boy waved his hand in the face of an equally young girl. They couldn't be any older than ten. The little girl blushed when she realized she was gazing off into the sky.

The two sat at the enterance to a small cave. Behind them was a forest, in front a small clearing.

"Let's have a race," suggested Ally. She was a pale girl with black hair, dark eyes, and a few freckles dotting her checks.

"Only if you want to lose," the boy taunted. He was the girl's opposite, blonde and tan with gray-blue eyes. As he smiled a gap showed where he had lost one of his front teeth.

Ally glanced at the boy, then sprinted into the forest.

The boy chased after her. Both were running as fast as they could, and before long they were sitting under a tree in their neighbor's yard gasping for breath. That was when their neighbor, Ms. Panner, walked out. She was an sweet old lady, yet there had always been something slightly crazy about her. She loved to wear bizarre shawls and oversized jewlery.

"Owen, Ally, why don't you two come inside?" Ms. Panner exclaimed, "I'll get you something to drink, you must be thirsty with how hot it is out here." Ms. Panner always gave them cookies and other sweets. Needless to say, despite her slight insainity she was their favorite neighbor.

Owen and Ally went with Ms. Panner, but were surprised by what they found. Her dinning room was filled with about a dozen people, most of them dressed even stranger than her. Some had glasses that could pass as goggles, others wore floral skirts, and a few even had brightly dyed hair. Ally looked at Ms. Panner wide eyed, "Who are all these people?"

Rather than answering she gave Ally a kind smile and motioned for her and Owen to sit down. When they did the question was answered by the oddest person there. He wore a purple scarf, over-sized glasses, and a hat with more colors on it than either of them had seem in their lives. "We're dreamers," he answered as though it should have been obvious.

Owen and Ally exchanged a questioning look that said 'do you think we should run?'

One of the few normally dressed people spoke up, "Don't be scared. We may seem odd, but it's because we aren't like normal people. We can do something normal people only dream of." The last two words were heavily emphasized.

This time it was Owen who spoke up, "What do you mean?"

Ms. Panner answered, "Like Ralf told you, we're dreamers, which probably doesn't explain much." She paused and thought of how to phrase what she was about to say, "I've been watching over you two for a long time, and we've decided we want you to join us." she paused again long enough to look at Owen and Ally.

"That doesn't help explain anything," Ally told her.

"I know, I know," Ms. Panner told them, "It's difficult to explain without making us seem crazy."

"It's a little too late for that," Owen mumbled so quietly only Ally heard him.

"You see, we enter a different world when we sleep. One totally different from this world," Ms. Panner held up a small red berry. "This is called an urri berry. It will take you to a world called Capria."

Ms. Panner handed it to Ally, who examined it closely dispite the sceptical look on her face. She was sniffing the berry when Owen knocked it out of her hand. "Don't touch that. It's probably some weird drug."

One of the strangers spoke up, "If you don't believe us then leave now."

Owen stood up and grabbed Ally's hand, "Sounds like a good idea."

At first Ally looked confused, then she became frustrated, "No, I want to stay." She crossed her arms and stood her ground.

Owen looked around contemplating the situation, "And what if it is some crazy hippy drug? Look at these people."

Ally's temper rose even higher. She was nearly shouting when she answered, "Why would Ms. Panner give us a drug?"

Owen opened his mouth only to close it a second later. Ally smiled in victory then turned back to Ms. Panner who started talking again, "We want you to join us today. Will you?"

"Yes," Ally answered instantly, "Trust them Owen, please."

Before answering, Owen gave Ally an annoyed look. Finally he sighed, "Okay, I'm in." He didn't believe in magical worlds that could be entered with a strange red berry, Owen just wanted to stay with Ally in case something happened. He wasn't going to leave her with these creeps.

Suddenly, a bowl filled with urri berries was being passed around. Each of the children took one of them. Another person said, "Now clear your mind."

Ally swallowed it whole, while Owen held it in his hand for a minute before eating it.

Once they had eaten their berries the adults followed suit. Within a minute unconscence had claimed them all.

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