SO! wee bit of news. I know I've not updated in quite a while, but I have been working on chapter four. Slowly - so slowly - but surely. I have a computer now, so I can write far more easily and more often, and I have a reminder set to force me to write 500 words a day, then slowly increase the number by 500. Hopefully I'll be able to get through the first...probably two books, with what I and the other RPers have done with this specific RP, and what I plan to add in and change. Without - of course - straying too far from the original story. I also plan to start and write a few others books, as well, like backstories and prequels and such. I did that, once, with one character, but didn't end up getting far. But, my reason for working on other things, to keep my drive and creativity up for this specific series, because, in the past, along with a major case of writer's block, I lost my drive, and updating was like a chore. I no longer feel that way, however, so to keep that from happening again, what I stated ^ up there. Anywho, I hope this was informative. Uh..I will also be editing the past 3 chapters here in there, just to make sure all the changes match, as my writing style develops quite a lot between chapters. But anyway, thank y'all for reading! I'll post here again soon. Probably. :3
TAD: Updates, schedules, etc.
AcakThe Angel's Descendants; Updates, schedules for uploads of new chapters, and extra scenes I didn't think would fit in the book. XD