Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I, in any way or form, do not own Clarity and its lyrics nor do I own Naruto.

'Cause you are the piece of me
I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly,
Still fight and I don't know why

If our love is tragedy
Why are you my remedy
If our love's insanity,
Why are you my clarity?

Walk on through a red parade
And refused to make amends


It cuts deep through our ground
And makes us forget all common sense


Don't speak as I try to l-


Name: Sakura Haruno
Age: Seventeen
Occupation: University Student
Birthday: March 28
Hobbies: Playing her acoustic guitar, sound tripping, reading mystery books
Lead guitarist of Konoha University's main band, Purple Rhombus

Notes: A walking ice cube.

The pinkette felt someone lift her headphones off her head none too gently. Furious at the unknown assailant for interrupting her only free time of the day (band practice and school work takes most of her schedule nowadays, what with the upcoming Annual Ball and all), she whirled around to face the person who dared interrupt her from her peaceful sound tripping, an irritated frown on her face.

Only to come face to face with the bitchiest person on earth... Hinata Hyuga.

Name: Hinata Hyuga
Age: Sixteen
Occupation: University Student
Birthday: December 26
Hobbies: Cheer leading, shopping
Most popular girl in School

Notes: A certified bitch.

Said bitch wore a pissed off expression while dangling her headphones with her perfectly manicured nails. "Why didn't you answer to my calls, ya bitch?" She demanded angrily. "Are you deaf or somethin'?"

Sakura rolled her eyes at her clearly fuming schoolmate. "Can't you see that I'm wearing my headphones? Use your common sense if you have one, Hyuga."

"How dare you!" Hinata screeched, glaring venomously at her. To annoy her further, Sakura raised an eyebrow. If Hinata was pissed off, then so was she. "You should be grateful that I came here personally to give you these papers." She gestured to the papers peeking from her slightly opened Gucci handbag. "If these fall into the wrong hands, you'd be damned. And look, you've wasted my time! Do you know that I abandoned my chauffeur just to look for you, you ungrateful wench?! Father would be so furious with me for coming home late!"

Sakura accepted them without giving them a second glance, then held her right hand out. "What?!" The ravenette hissed.

"My headphones. May I have them back?"

Hinata practically slammed the red and black coloured headphones onto her awaiting hand. With one last glare at the pinkette, she turned to walk away, but stopped when she remembers something. Just as Sakura was about to place the headphones on the rightful place around her ears, she spoke, voice uncharacteristically soft, "You are friends with Naruto Uzumaki, right?"

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