Chapter 1

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My race lives among humans without them knowing anything about us. We blend in, we are able to change our appearance, and scour the earth looking for the chosen one who will save our race. We live on a remote Island in the Pacific Ocean.  We are a more old fashion in our customs, values, and traditions. 

My name is Katina I am the daughter of our leader, King Kelvin. Our family has been the rulers of our people for many decades. Although I am the eldest child of Kelvin, I am a female; therefore my younger brother Katon is second in command and next in line for the throne.

Lately, we have been sending teams around the world looking for the chosen one, a human who has mystic abilities. Our race is known as the Morphers and the royal Morphers are my family. When I was born, as a part of a prophecy, I was granted a special power that is something I like to call santé d'esprit which is French for Senses. I am able to sense things others cannot, mainly auras of others. Or, I can see clues to the future, like a premonition. It has only happened once or twice, little things, I haven't really gotten the hang of it yet. It is also said there is another underlining ability that comes along with it that our enemies will want, yet I haven't noticed thing else. It is a gift but a curse all at the same time, for it is not always controllable.

I am more of a reckless type of girl out of all the rules I have broken about sixty percent of them. My father never did want his first-born child to be a girl. So, he spoils my brother as if I was never even born. I am very close to my mother, though; she cares for me while reminding me my father loves me he just does not show it.

Today was a peaceful day the sun was high the wind was a slight breeze. Today looked like a great day to be outside. Unfortunately, I was stuck inside for our grand monthly council meeting. I get to sit in front of a crowd for about five hours with nothing to do but sit and listen.

"This will be a wonderful day Shade!" I exclaimed.

She just looked at me and laughed "Yes Katina it will be. Now you need to be a good girl today and please stay on your dad's good side."

I just laughed and nodded to her. She helped me get into the dress that was picked out for me and she did my hair just the way she liked to do it. I told Shade that she could go since I was ready and wanted to be alone for a bit. When she left I sat down and stared out the window wishing I could be outside with the trees and the animals. Daydreaming about what I would be doing right now if I could be outside

After about a minute or so a guard knocked on the door and called," Princess Katina, it is time for the meeting."

"I am on my way," I replied with a sigh.

About An hour or so into the meeting, which is as boring as ever, the General and my father were strategizing ideas to find a criminal known as Banimus and his army. They started talking about inventing a new invention or something when things started to feel weird. My head started to spin and it was getting darker and darker. I look around in the darkness trying to figure out what happened to the light. A strange figure came out of the darkness. I tried to walk towards it but couldn't move. I started to panic, I tried to scream but nothing came out. The figure started to get closer and closer, when it got close enough to almost touch me it stopped. It was a dark shadow hovering in midair. After a moment of complete silence, it darted straight at me and went through me. Simultaneously everything returned to normal and I was back in the meeting and was standing beside of my dad screaming. My body felt as though I had a giant energy rush and was tingly; people were all staring at me in fright and confusion. I could then feel my body falling as I blacked out.

I awoke in the hospital wing of the castle; the doctor was over at the computer.

"What happened doc?" I asked as I tried to sit up while my head was still in a daze.

The doctor looked over and quickly came over, gently laid me back down, and said, "Lay back and relax. You fainted at the meeting. The readings show you had a rush of energy flow throughout your system. It was so sudden your body did not have enough time to react, therefore your body basically restarted itself."

Not sure what to think, I decided not to tell her what I saw.

"What was the energy doc?" I asked.

He went back to the computer and pressed a few buttons then replied, "I honestly have no idea."

"Where are my parents?" I asked. "Your mother went to her room. Your dad is clean-up work from your collapse at the meeting, ensuring the council you are not crazy." He replied. "Now if you will relax I want to run some more tests."

After the doctor ran about a thousand more tests he finally let me go to my room. I was told to stay in my room till I was told otherwise. Dinner was served to my room; still, I was not given any information as what I was to do. The next day I was visited by Shade.

She came into my room, shook me up, and yelled," Katina are you ok!"

Dizzily I replied," I'm fine! I'm fine!"

"Never do that again!" she screamed at me.

Once she gave me a chance to speak I replied "I need to talk to you. Will you please be quiet and let me speak."

She looked at me funny then sighed. I then began to explain my vision, about what I saw and what I felt when it flew through when I was finished explaining she looked at me like I really was crazy.

"Ok, you may think I am crazy but I'm telling you the truth. I believe something evil is coming and it is coming for me. It could be him."

Shade did not believe what I said. She believed I was just trying to get to my dad by acting crazy. Shade changed the conversation and told me that I was not being careful enough with what I say and what I do. I convinced her that I will be extra careful and asked her to keep quiet about what I told her. She decided that she would stick to me, like glue, just in case anything goes wrong, or I decided to act out again.

Today, I had to consult the members of the meeting and give them my deepest apologies. This was, of course, my dad's idea. I was outraged and slammed the door as I left his office when he told me. He still believes I fainted on my own terms and did it just to get attention, I was also grounded and not allowed outside the castle.

I thought about why I am grounded, and it just wasn't right; I can't take being treated like this. This is the last straw, he will not believe me if I tell him what happened. He will think I am just crazy. There is something after me, and whatever it is I want to find it and kill it. I cannot do that being locked up in this castle. I ran over to my window opened it and climbed down. I have finally decided my life is not here I shall leave and never come back. If I am not treated as well as an equal then I obviously don't belong here. No one will mind me leaving, especially my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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