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"When you are guilty, it is not your sins you hate but yourself."

-Anthony de Mello-

Location unknown, March 11th , 2016.

The adrenaline pushed her feet forward despite the exhaustion that filled her body. She couldn't give up just yet. This wasn't for her, but she had to keep them safe.

"Claire...I am tired..." a weak voice whispered behind her.

"I am sorry, Lena, but we can't stop now or they'll catch up with us." Claire panted as she kept pulling of the girl's hand.

"I am slowing you down. You must leave me..."

"We are getting out of this together, Lena. Just as we promised"

The girl shook her head letting go of the red head.

"You know it is too late for me. There's nothing waiting for me out there..."

"Don't be stupid, Lena. We have each other."

"I...I wish I was strong as you, but I am not , Claire. I just want it all to end..."


Claire looked at the girl who had dropped on her knees behind her. What did it have to happen now from all time? She knew she could fix it, but that would take time. Time that they didn't have. The sound of gunshots and screams was growing closer. Claire tried to pull the girl's weakened body up, but Lena used all of her remaining strength to push the red head away. She was tired, she didn't have the strength to keep going, but unlike her, Claire was still full of life.

Before Claire could say anything to make her come to her senses, she saw a spark of fire flying at their direction followed by savage roar. Claire's eyes went wide and the world seemed to slow down. She had no time to scream, no time to run, no time to cover, no time to react... when the bomb exploded, she felt how her body was expelled with such intensity that she could almost feel her muscles being torn. 

The last thing she  remembered  was a curtain of fire and the stingy coldness of the waters.

REVELATIONS: Dies IraeWhere stories live. Discover now