Why are you afraid, little flock?
I did not make you to feel so alone.
Why do you depend so much on people?
In my loving arms is where you belong.
Why are you afraid, little flock?
You can't see me, but I'm here with you.
Why do you tremble at those scary dreams?
Pray, and I'll watch over you in your sleep.
Why are you afraid, little flock?
I fearfully and wonderfully made thee.
Why do you care about others' cutting remarks?
They don't see how beautiful you are in my eyes.
Why are you afraid, little flock?
I will take good care of your precious heart.
Why do you weep over that unfaithful one?
I've been faithfully loving you the whole time.
Why are you afraid, little flock?
I care for you greatly, my beloved child.
Why are you holding that sharp thing in hand?
I've already been bruised, bathed in my own blood.
Why are you afraid, little flock?
Tomorrow's smile, you easily put aside.
Why do you want to die before your time?
To give you eternal life, I've laid down mine.
So don't be afraid, little flock.
Have faith, and fear will fade in no time.
Don't worry about the things to come.
I know all things, so be still, My love.
Don't Be Afraid, Little Flock
Poetry"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay an...