Introduction: The Prophecy

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A prophecy came out on April fourteenth, the day I was born. It stated stating that I would be one of the few children to receive a gift. The prophecy simply put meant besides the task I was to accomplish, having a normal life would be a near impossible thing to achieve.

"The time has come for her birth. On this day a child is born with the gift of visions. Her visions will occur throughout her life starting at a very young age. Visions of events and great circumstances that can alter the very timeline at which they are set. This makes it crucial for her to grow up faster than normal, without any warning of when it will happen. As the years progress so will she, and the other children whom have received a gift of power. Although there are other children whom have been given gifts, the price to pay is hers. The severity of all of this depends on any and all of the actions, taken at the point, in which the price must be paid. She is the only one who can change her fate or seal it.

At age seventeen the other half of the prophecy will be revealed in a vision. Although this is only a preview of what is to come in the future. Once the prophecy has been revealed to her, she will begin to understand the full risk of having the power she alone posses, and the potential of what that power may become. Upon a later date the other half of this prophecy will be discovered in stone. The stone will serve as her reminder, for she alone will be the one to carry the burden and lives of all those whom have been affected. She must save what she can before her time runs out. To the parents of this child, you're the ones who will pave the way of her future. Already you possess the journal which will be used to guide her, on her way to fulfilling her duty. Be warned your parental help can only go so far, and time is limited and quickly running out. The efforts you put forth may seem great, but who is to say it will matter when the end comes. No one knows how much time they have until it runs out. No one can prepare her for the second half; time will be crucial for her and her survival. The life she'll be forced to live will be unlike any other child her age. Loss is something that she will not be able to escape in her life. Her judgement will affect her fate and......."

I am Alex and I was the girl born on April 14th, the day the prophecy came out, and my gift is the gift of visions.

(A/N if the reads keep going up. I will try to post a chapter every few weeks please give me your comments and critics please.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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