Untitled Part 1

14 1 0

It was only when the doorbell rung that Megu realized her earring had come loose. She frowned, tentatively reaching up and feeling the two pieces still on either side of her lobe but, for some reason, not connecting.

The bell rang again.

"Coming!" she called out, although whoever it was likely wouldn't hear her, and pranced towards the door, concentrating on trying to fix her jewellery. Her brow was scrunched, just a little, and her tongue poked out the corner of her mouth, although she stared up, unseeing, at the ceiling.

And this was how she greeted Jiho.

He blinked in something that was a bit like surprise and a bit like amusement, raising a brow in silent enquiry as he stood there, hands in his pockets and bent over double, as he inspected the pot plant at her door. After a moment Megu had noticed them and he straightened, suddenly, coughing under his breath, like he had been caught in the midst of doing something he wasn't meant to.

Megu remained frozen in her position, trying to process his sudden appearance. Her earring clicked together.

"Hey," Jiho stated, when the silence just kept on happening. He was definitely amused now, although she had no idea at what.

"You're early," she blurted, which was true, at least – he was almost half an hour before he said he would arrive. Then she dropped her hands, pursing her lips and letting out a noise. "Hi, Jiho!" she added, brightly, realizing how rude it was not to greet him.

His face broke into a grin and he laughed – actually laughed – bending over to snap a flower from her pot plant and offering it out to her with a lavish bow, doing some swirly motion in the air with his free hand.

"Megu, you are simply too lovely to stay away from!" he declared, too loudly – and even though she knew he was just trying to make her laugh, and even though she stillrolled her eyes to show him she wasn't that easily impressed, her cheeks still started to burn.

Just a little, though. He probably didn't even notice. That wink was probably for something totally unrelated.

"Come on in," she invited and stepped backwards, indicating inside. Jiho pranced across the threshold with a grin, not the slightest bit offended she had ignored his gift, and still rolling the stem between his fingers thoughtfully. Megu shot a look towards her plant, rolled her eyes again, and closed the door behind them. She was very careful to pretend she wasn't smiling, and was Very Serious.

But he could be such an idiot, sometimes.


"There!" Jiho declared, slapping his pencil down on the table and sitting upright, grinning a self-satisfied grin of someone who can't help but win at whatever they put their mind to. He leaned back in the seat and threw his arms over the back of the couch, raising a brow at Megu, almost as if challenging him to tell him he was wrong. Sure, it had taken a few minutes of peering intently at the text book and making thoughtful noises, but he had done it. "Tell me that's not right – I dare you."

She placed her book down, keeping her finger between the pages to hold her place, and leaned across the table to peer at his work, upside down though it was. She grinned automatically, then straightened her expression – with some effort – into a serious look of disapproval.

"The answer is not 14," she reprimanded, and Jiho had the decency to at least look aghast at this revelation. He knew, of course, since he'd just written 'hi' in the cheesiest possible way and pretended it was all just a big accident. It would have worked better on a calculator, but points for effort! "Jiho, that's not even close."

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