Researching the Congo silver back gorillas

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We started a research group to studied the silver back gorillas. We were flying to Congo to find the sliver back gorillas. The flight to Congo took forever to get there. But we made it there in 24 hours. We find us a tour guide to take us in the jungle to find the silver back gorillas. We thought we better get some more stuff be for we left Congo. We got some more food and a lot of bug spray. We finely got what we needed and left in our jeeps to get to the jungle.

The tour guide told us to watch out for snakes and spiders. There's a rock spider that can kill you in a matter of minutes. There's some snakes will just eat you hole.

We finely ran out of road so we walked from there. We walked for a couple hours before it got dark and made camp. The guide told stories of people coming out here to study the gorillas but they never came back. Either the tribe took them or they where killed by something. He assured us that nothing will happen to us.

We all took turns keeping watch over the camp as the night went on. The fire kept the big jungle cats away. But we kept watch for snakes and bugs that can you kill you. The night seem like it took forever. It was my turn to keep watch sitting in the same spot I started to drift off to sleep. Then I woke to someone poking me as I slept.

It was morning so we ate breakfast fast to start our day. We started our walk throw the jungle. We walked another two days before we was there first nesting site. From the size of the troop it looked big.

We walked another day when we started hearing the gorillas in the distances. They seem like a day away so we made camp. As we listen to the gorillas scream and holler. We all fall asleep to them. They went quite to as they went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2014 ⏰

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