1. Girl Meets Saturday Detention

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They had been sophomores for two weeks and Riley couldn't believe that Maya had done something so crazy that it landed all six of them in Saturday detention at the same time. She couldn't help but be angry at her best friend for causing it, Riley didn't want anything bad on her permanent record. The memory of the D she had gotten in Spanish still haunted her even though she had pulled up her grade in the long run.

"Riley," Maya said trying to get her attention as they stood out in the hallway waiting for the guys. "Riles... Honey... you have to talk to me."

Riley turned around and looked at a spot on the wall, she thought about hiding in the hole but it was pointless. The guys were walking up the nearby stairs, Smackle glaring at Farkle, Lucas kept staring at the floor, while Zay happily smiled at everyone.

"I hate this," Riley finally said. "Why did you have to do? Why Maya?"

"Because Zay kept saying that we needed to do something crazy," Maya said. "and he's right I've had the need to do something for a long time."

"But you threw mashed potatoes at the cafeteria lady, she never did anything to you, and on top of that instead of stopping you forced everyone into this crazy food fight, that we had to clean up afterwards on top of having to be here today."

"It was worth it though," Zay said as he joined Riley and Maya. "Wasn't it."

"Yeah it was," Maya said and Riley groaned walking over to her boyfriend.

Lucas pulled her into his arms and sighed. "This isn't worth it at all," he said to their friends.

"Oh here comes Lucas the Good," Maya said. "Ranger Rick wants to be a good person but I know you have a little bad in you."

"I don't care about that Maya, not if it's going to upset Riley," he said.

"Shut it the both of you, let's just get through this horrible morning, we'll be out by noon and we will never have to deal with this again," Riley said pulling Lucas away.

Farkle and Smackle hadn't said a word, like Riley they were disappointed in how they had been dragged into the situation. Their records had been marred and they couldn't handle how their families had reacted. Neither of their parents were disappointed, instead they thought that it would be a good learning experience since the two geniuses had nothing put perfect records.

The six of them sat down in the school library, Zay and Maya were still joking around, Farkle and Smackle pulled out their homework, and Lucas just held Riley's hand.

"Okay you delinquents," Mr. Matthews said as he walked in through the doors. "Can't believe I'm here on a Saturday, this isn't a freaking movie."

"Hi Daddy," Riley said trying to smile but failing to bring herself to do it.

"I'm not Daddy today, instead I'm your warden, because even though I know you didn't start that food fight," he said looking at Maya and Zay. "You participated in it."

Riley wanted to say that it wasn't true, but she couldn't, she hadn't stopped Maya and when she was trying to walk away with her food, she slipped on a pile of potatoes and tossed her tray up in the air before it landed on the Principal. Her own clumsiness was her downfall.

"Now, you all have an assignment, and as much as I know you six, you're not allowed to sit at the same tables," he said separating Riley from Lucas and putting her in a table as far away as possible. "Now separate, and get to work, you each have to write a paper about a battle during a war in American history, so I chose the Civil War for you all, and you each have to write it from one side of the war."

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