chapter one

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"" Polyvore. iluvrobindenoir26. Web. 3 Feb 2014.   

 I was walking through the woods, when I heard a noise. It sounded like a rabbit. I followed the noise, and found a little rabbit in a trap. Whoever made the trap was really good, the person made sure the rabbit wouldn't escape. It was probably one of the de Noirs that made it...

I cut the trap open with my pocket knife, and got the rabbit out. He was only a baby.

I heard a twig snap. I turned around, and saw a guy that looked about 18 or 19. He had brownish black curls, and a bowler. He was wearing black, a feather choker, and guyliner under his eyes.

He looked really dangerous... What if he was a de Noir?! I haven't met any of the de Noirs, I've only heard about them...

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"I should be asking you that..." He said.

"I'm not telling my name, unless you tell yours first." I said, confidently.

The guy smirked.

"Your quite charming... Robin. Robin de Noir." He said, still smirking.

Of course......... Of course he just HAD to be a de Noir... And a good looking one, too...

"Oh, so your a de Noir?" I asked, about to scream and run.

"I am. And you are.........?" Ha asked.

"Not a de Noir." I said, thinking he was referring to me as one.

"No, I mean what's your name?" Robin asked.

"Oh. I'm Nightingale. Nightingale Star." I said.

"Your named after a bird?!" He asked, smirking in disbelief.

"Well, so are you!" I said, smiling.

"Yeah, but- ugh, never mind..." He said, shaking his head.

I hadn't noticed I was still holding the rabbit.

I looked down at it, and patted it's head, lightly.

"And what are you doing with that?" Robin asked, pointing to the rabbit.

"I found him in a trap, so I was going to keep him." I said.

"Yeah, MY trap!" Robin said.

"Oh, well you can eat something else..." I said, trailing off a bit.

"Wow... Girls are such softies for animals." Robin said, smirking at me.

"Are not... And, is that the only thing you can do?" I asked.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Smirking... Is that the only thing you can do?" I asked.

He smirked again.

I rolled my eyes, and looked at the bunny.

"You are very charming, aren't you?" He asked.

"I guess you could say that..." I said, smiling.

"I must go now, I will see you again sometime?" Robin asked.

"Sure...If my uncle allows it....." I said.

"Well, why wouldn't he?" He asked.

"You don't know who my uncle is? Or where I live?" I asked.

"Uh, no...I don't exactly creep on you!" He said.

I sighed.

"My uncle is Benjamin Merryweather..." I said.

Robins eyes saddened, and he looked down at the ground.

"Then how come your last name isn't Merryweather?"He asked.

"I was adopted...My mum and dad died. I wanted to keep their last names." I said.

"Oh. I'm sorry...Well, can you tell your uncle you are going into the woods, and we could just meet here?" He asked hopefully.

"Well, I guess I could....." I said.

Robin's face lit up.

"Great!!! I will see you tomorrow, in this spot?" He asked.

"Sure. I will see you tomorrow!" I said.

He smiled, and we both turned around, and walked in our opposite ways.

I can't help but think......... Am I falling for Robin de Noir???


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