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Isabella was my first love: I was 17 and she was 21 when we first met. My parents disapproved of her; Mama was convinced she was a witch and Papa called her a whore. But they were wrong, she was just different and people didn't like different. I knew she''d already taken many lovers but she was a free spirit who would never allow herself to be tamed. I realised, even at that young age, I would never love another woman as much as I loved Isabella.

We were together for three wonderful years which passed by all too quickly until one morning when I paid an unannounced visit to Isabella and discovered her in bed with my father. He would declare that it was simply his way of proving to me, just what he'd known all along, that she was in deed a whore, certainly not worthy of his first born and heir. I would receive no explanation from Isabella: such a scandal would simply not be accepted in our community and she fled, for who knows where, that very day.

I was of course completely devastated, heartbroken, but I was allowed no time for my broken heart to mend. My father immediately made arrangements for me to be introduced to the youngest daughter of the Innaratu family, 18 year old Yasmin.

It was a whirlwind courtship before both families conspired to arrange a wedding for us. Yasmin was a lovely young woman, I would respect her and provide her with children but I could never grow to love her. I think that she knew this deep down and was simply prepared to accept a settled family life. I never once cheated on her but one day, after several years had passed, I realised I could stay with her no longer.

I did not mean to hurt her but I could no longer hide away my feelings which had remained for Isabella. I aroused from a slumber one night, mumbling "Isabella ?".

Yasmin shook me, "You dare utter her name in our marital bed ? How callous of you !"

"What ?, I was suddenly wide awake, "I was dreaming !".

" You are so cruel to me? Betraying me in your thoughts ! "

" It was just a dream, woman !"

"Yes, but about her and not your wife."

" Hush woman, go back to sleep !"

It was that night I resolved that I had to leave Yasmin. But I would also leave behind my children and, for that, I would never forgive myself. But it was better that I move on, escape from this empty existence that had become my life. I knew that if I stayed I would only bring more misery to an already unfortunate situation. I left the next day, having written my letter expressing my regret.

My name is Alejandro Della Vega and this is my story of a lifetime's search for my one true love,


I was born in Cadiz, on the southern coast of Spain, in the year of 1538. First born and heir to Don Pedro & Dona Maria Della Vega. Della Vega: such a proud and distinguished heritage, steeped in history and tradition. A family enriched by the many wealths derived from ownership of vast land and livestock, and from the labours of merchant trading. My father, Don Pedro Della vega, a nobleman, politician, a lawman & mayor of the city, as was his father before him and his grandfather before that, in fact it was an inheritance stretching back many generations. So my future life was already all planned out for me, even before I was born. But I was a selfish and ungrateful child, for I was not appreciative that I had no control of my own life. I had my own dreams and desires and I could not understand why a free young man should be forced to deny his own wishes. I was 17 years of age and I was, after all, now a man. My mother was sympathetic but my father would not be reasoned with. And so I was a reluctantly faithful heir to the Della Vega dynasty. Well, I was mostly obedient, until the first day that I set eyes on her at the market place.

Isabella Maria Fonseca, I was familiar with herby her reputation. she was known to be a wild woman, a witch, who stole the hearts of married men. Just to meet with her eyes would be enough to curse your heart for a lifetime. I tried not to look but I just couldn't help myself, she was the most beautiful of women. She smiled at me and I was surprised to find myself smiling back at her. She said "hello" to me but I could not find the words to respond. I watched he in silence as she walked away, disappearing into the distance. I continued to watch for long afterwards. I was retracing her steps, recollecting her smile, remembering the first moment we met so I would never forget. It was the moment I would later recall as when I first fell in love. But I was confused, I was frightened, intimidated by her reputation. I could not reconcile this reputation with my actual experience. I know that she had only smiled at me, uttered merely a word, but my feelings, my instinct, assured me that she was not a witch, she was an angel. And so, from that day, I was determined to win the heart of Isabella Maria Fonseca.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2014 ⏰

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