C h a p t e r O n e

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You know your life is going to be an adventure when you're found at a doorstep, a pale shivering woman clinging onto you with her last breath, the heavens unleashing all their pent up emotions unto you in the form of rain and curled insignia of a proud Raven inked unto your tiny shoulder.

This was the situation for Aaron Cross as his four day old self lay soaking wet and wailing in a drenched blanket. The fair haired woman at his side summoned all her power and crawled wearily towards the door, hand out reached for the bell. Her pale slender fingers managed to give the button a push after which they slack to her side. Once more she dragged herself towards the infant and cradled him into her weak arms. Her fingers reached for the pendant on her neck, the green orb shining as she placed a hand over it, yanked it off and carefully placed into the closed palm of little Aaron whose crys had seized at the touch of the gleaming stone. The woman didn't let go of the boy, she couldn't, not yet. Moments passed before she finally heard the sound of footsteps coming from beyond the door and a sad smile set unto her face.

"Don't forget, Aaron." She said in a whisper as she laid cold lips unto her baby's now warm forehead.

"And don't show fear." And with those final words she let go of the only thing still keeping her grounded and faded away, the harsh winds carrying away the last memory of Wyvera Cross.

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15 years later...

The joyful crys of others were heard as they ran across the field doing God knows what .The guys were all keeping themselves busy with some sort of sport and the girls were just hanging around. It was always like this on Wednesdays. For some reason, the teachers always had a meeting during last period and the kids usually just did whatever until closing.

A pair of laughing girls stood up from their seats in the bleachers, revealing a lone boy staying at the back, his eyes trailing their retreating figures. No one had bothered to ask him if he wanted to do anything and quite frankly he didn't care. Aaron was one of those people who were perfectly content on their own.

The sudden blast of the three thirty bell interrupted Aaron's 'watching' as he stared at the brick red building of his highschool in which all the others had started walking towards. As soon as the ground was void of any person, Aaron carefully stood up from his seat in the back and started down the stairs. The moment his feet touched the ground, he felt a strong force push behind him and found himself face flat on the dirt.

A pair of figures overshadowed the boy as he attempted to get up, an effort that was made futile because of the boot to his back.

"Where're ya trying to go Cross?" The skinny one to the right called, a dirty snarl on his round face. Aaron struggled under his hold, squirming like a worm would when you grace its body with the tasteful substance known as salt. He stopped when he received a heavy kick to the side. His body curled as he wrapped his arms around himself, groaning, and he looked at the faces of his tormentors.

Towering of him was the smug face of Gerard Hog. His last name was highly befitting of him seeing as he clearly resembled a pig with his large physique,pink face and belly that could only be referred to that of a pot. His hair was a dirty blonde and like him truly lived up to its name seeing as there was always some
mud or a twig entangled in it. To Gerard side was another boy, a bit taller and a lot slimmer than his companion with overgrown brown hair and a devilish smirk gracing his features. Jack Flint was the guy that Aaron constantly wanted to slap in the face with a baseball bat, the bane of his existence and his absolute worst enemy, even more so than Gerard McPorkFace. Aaron felt nothing but contempt towards these two.

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