of gums and boxes

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"That'll be £4.50, sir."

Harry reached inside his pocket to feel for his wallet, but frowned when he felt nothing, "Ah, could you give me a second?"

The girl behind the counter rolled her eyes and said nothing, only plastered an annoyed look on her face as she chewed her gum a little too loudly, and had made Harry feel a little more nervous than before.

He looked inside his briefcase and sighed in relief, he grabbed the tiny thing to take out a five pound note but found out he doesn't have any. Cursing, he painfully took the crisp ten pound bill instead, muttering a quiet keep the change as he grabbed a piece of gum by the counter before leaving the store in such a haste.

He opened the newly bought umbrella as he walked hastily to the bus stop and hoped, God forbid he hoped, he would make it before it leaves, but judging by the time he would be lucky if he could make it in time. Even with his long legs and fast pace.

Harry could only suck in a deep breath in order to not show his frustration. He was already soaking wet. His coat was ruined, the rain water now slowly seeping through the thin material of his coat to his shirt, although thank God his files weren't affected by the unpredictable weather. But he was soaked only because he had forgotten his umbrella at home earlier. It was stupid of him, he knew, because he should've been used to the London weather by now and yet he still forgot to bring his umbrella.

The trip to the store wasn't entirely pleasant either, the girl behind the counter had moved so slow, and Harry itched to shout at her to move. Even her annoying chewing reminded Harry of a goat.

However he doesn't have time to punish himself over these and instead Harry needed to think of a proper reason to tell his boss why he's late and soaking wet, and not because of the fact that he overslept when he accidentally binged watched a silly telly series last night.

With a deep sigh, Harry took a faster pace in order to save himself from the humiliation he was about to face. But his eyes widened at the sight of the last bus for the morning schedule leaving the stop, panic rose to his throat and he ran.

"No! Wait! Stop!" He tried calling for the driver but to his unfortunate luck, the bus had already left as soon as he arrived, "Fucking shit!"

This day could not get anymore worse.

Begrudingly, it looked like Harry would have to walk his way to the tube and be more tardy than he originally thought. Without wasting any more time Harry began walking.

He has never really ventured in this part of the neighborhood. It was more of the quiet part of it, a lot of dark alleyways, and had an eerie atmosphere. He didn't let that get to him though, he paid no heed to his surroundings as he was already late as it is and just kept walking.

Until a quite loud whimper made him stagger on his steps.

Harry stiffened, he did not know whether he should check it out or not. If he did though he would be much, much tardy for work, but if he didn't he knew his conscience would never let him rest. He kept weighing the pros and cons until another whimper stopped his thoughts.

With a silent groan, he knew he has made his decision. With careful steps Harry followed the soft whimpers that lead through an alley.

"Hello?" Harry quietly called, "Is anyone here?" He continued, looking at the suspiscious stack of cardboard boxes by the corner.


A shuffle behind said cardboards made Harry rethink his decision.

"Excuse me, uhm," Harry started, stepped a bit closer to try and take a peek behind the stack of boxes, "I heard whimpers and I was wondering if anyone needs some help?"

There was another shuffle, but Harry was getting impatient before he called out again, "Uhm hello?"

A small voice peeped behind the boxes.


Harry looked down, and there he saw was a tiny boy peeking up at him shyly. Dirty blond hair, pale skin mostly covered in dirt, he's wearing a ragged shirt too massive for his tiny body, but what stood out the most to Harry was that he has a pair of furry ears on his head, a cute fluffy tail, and that he has the most beautiful pair of blue eyes he has ever seen.

A hybrid. 

Harry's eyes widened as he slowly crouched down to the younger boy's level and smiled sadly, "I'm sorry, baby, but I'm not your mama," he explained, heart breaking at the sight of the young boy, "Can you tell me how'd you get here? Did she leave you here?" He continued softly.

Hybrids aren't exactly rare nor are they too common. But in this neighborhood, there aren't too many people with hybrids. They are usually kept like pets though which Harry is completely opposed to.

Sadly, he only got a whimper in response from the boy as he tried to hide himself further behind the boxes, away from the stranger.

The older between the two sighed softly and tried another approach, "Well, my name is Harry, can you tell me what's your name? Please?" He smiled softly at the boy as he waited for an answer, and it was only then, after a few moments, that he got his answer.

"A-Ari...?" Harry perked at the mention of his name, smiling wide at the boy as he nodded.

"N-Niall," the smaller lad continued, pointing to himself, small furry ears twitching and face contorted into a concentrated look, his lips forming a small pout.

Harry's heart swelled, this boy was the most adorable person he has ever met in his entire life, "Hello Niall, can you tell me why you're here alone?"

Niall shook his head at the question which made Harry frown, but didn't give up nonetheless, "Do you perhaps know what happened to you?" He might be pushing his luck but he needed answers, still though.

Niall did not answer, "Do you know where you live, sweetheart?"

Again, no answer.

"Are you hungry?"

At the mention of the word, Niall's stomach started growling, that made Harry chuckle lightly. "Would you like for us to get something to eat?" He reached out his hand to Niall and looked at him expectantly, hoped that the child would accept his help.

And as soon as Niall placed his hand on top of Harry's awaiting palm, Harry knew he was hooked, and he's willing to do anything to protect and take care of this child.


A/N: okay i dont know if someone will make it up to this author's note (or if someone will read this at all), but please give it a chance.

So, here's the thing, I don't think I'm a writer. Well, I used to think so, but now I'm thinkin' nah. That's why, please don't be too hard on me, this is just a plot I've always wanted to do and unfortunately I could not ask any writer to write for me.

SO right now, all I'm asking is (besides the fact that I ask of you guys is to not be too hard on me, English is not my first language, so I think there's a lot of errors there okay but) SHOULD I CONTINUE?

I'm making this a double shot first before you give me your answers! But!!!!! I don't mind a nice comment :) it's always something I've really appreciated, long responses or somthin like that. But I'm not forcing you guys.

But guys please! Comment? Tell me what you think? Do you think it's too fast paced? What do you think of Niall and Harold's encounter?

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