Don't choose me I'm just a teenage dirtbag. bvb-botdf-jeffree star

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A/N this is not about me or my life (parts maybe but i wont tell you which are which unless you ask)


So um i guess i should introduce myself. My name is katherine but i hate my name so no one calls me that. my nickname is kitty but everyone here just calls me "emo, fag, devil worshiper, suicidal cun etc..." I am 15 (i turn 16 in a month on the 15 of november) I have aqua hair with brown eyes (i hate them so i wear contacts) i have snakebites and my bridge is pierced. You could say im skinny but i think i could lose another 20 or so pounds and so does the rest of this place. And i don't go to public school, i have online classes i take on my crappy laptop i've had since i was 13.

I bet your wondering what "this place" acctually is. Well "this place" is the adoption centre. I've been here since i was 12. I'm here because well anyone could have guessed. i have no parents. Well of course i did at one time but they aren't with us anymore. i don't like to talk about what happened because it upsets me alot and i still blame myself so i'll save it for another time.

I'm kind a band freak and a comic geek. i listen to loads of bands like : bvb, botdf, aa, ss, fob.ta, ff, green day, yma6, black sabbath, mettalica, iron madien, bon jovi, paramore, armageddin' outta here, indifferent, classically handsome brutes etc.... I prefer Dc comics to Marvel. I LOVE BATMAN!!!!

I can come across as a bitch if I don't like you. If i don't like you; I will have a reason. I am severly bipolar so be cautioned. And yeah well thats me. Oh and i procrastionate alot.

Damn! Its almost 6. We were told that someone was coming to adopt a girl from the age of 12-17 at 6. Hmmm how long do i have? Damn 5 minutes and i haven't got outta my pj's today. Don't judge it's a lazy day i don't get those often!

I guess i'll just brush my hair and put and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a bvb t-shirt on. I got another 5 min so i'll do my makeup like cc's and put in my matching black snakebites and bridge piercing in. Yeah i know i said i procrastinate but i feel like something good is going to happen.

Shit it's 5 past 6 i guess that took my a few extra minutes than expected. Shit! I forgot shoes i'll just slip on my combat boots.

Soooooo many stairs to walk down. "ah ..... shi t mphhhh" Damn i fell down the freakin stairs infront of everybody. Grrrr now i'm embarssed their all looking at me. I hate it when large groups of people look at me. so i decide to crack a joke so i don't look stupid. " Don't try this at home it takes lots of practice" damn no one bought it. I guess i'll have to scream. "STOOOOPPP LOOOKKIIINNGGG AAATTT MMMEEEEEE!!!!!!! " and yes i did it like chris motionless in Santas pissed ( put that cookie down).

A few of the girls looked away scared but most just gave me dirty looks. And thats when i notice the group of 5 men standing in the entrance hall looking at.. guess who. If you guessed me then you guessed right.

"well take her" the men said to my social worker "Her?" she asked "Yes her who else would we take? one of these skanks and sluts lined up?" "Well ok but you don't know what you got yourself into" she retorted "Yeah well we don't care!" they yelled "come and sign the papers one of you and have her show you up to her room so she can pack her bags and get the hell outta here." she snapped i would give you her name but i never bothered to learn it.

The guys walk over to me and look at me expectingly. I don't realise what they want until it clicks. I'M GETTING ADOPTED!!! I lead the men upstairs but i don't know who they are or what they even look like yet because they have hoods up. But they look cool. they are all waering black jeans and black hoodies uder leather jakets and one of them is weraing black cowboy boots, one is wearing black converse but the others are wearing combat boots. I hear the fith guy runing up to catch up with us cause he was signing the papers and we arn't even at my room yet.

When we've finally arrived at my room i open the door and lead them in and I sit down on my small single bed in the cornor of the room. They all stand ther akwardly until i decide to speak up. " so um if you dont mind can you take your hoods down, i know your not the illuminatie but i want to get to know you before i acctually live with you." i stated They lovered their hoods and i gasped

STANDING INFRONT OF ME WAS FREAKING BLACK VEIL BRIDE!! THIS SHIT ONLY HAPPENS IN FAN FICTIONS! Calm yourself kitty you don't wanna freak them out. "so um no offense but why the hell are you adopting me let alone a child at all?!" I asked not wanting my inner fangirl to come out. Silence is all i got.. suddenly CC spoke up " we will explain later but know lets get you paked up and onto the tour bus." ok?" i answered

With their help i got packed up in nder 20 minutes. Now the once poster strewn walls are bare. and we journey down to the tourbus.

"By emo fag" my social worker yelled as i left "By fucked up whore have a nice time in hell!" i screamed back and then slammed the door shut. We walked onto the tour bus and they showed me were to put my stuff and where i will be sleeping. I have a middle bunk, above andy, under ashley, across from cc, and then acroos from andy is jake, and across from ashley is ... you guessed it Jinxx.

We all sat on the couches in the living area as i waited for an explination....

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N if you guys like it and want me to carry on just comment. It won't take long to update i promise.

Don't copy anything i write please if you need help with any ideas just message me. I did not copy from any of this! It came all from my head!

Don't choose me I'm just a teenage dirtbag. bvb-botdf-jeffree starWhere stories live. Discover now