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It was quite a busy day for the courts in the country. Not only was it the last day before the Courts would go on summer vacation but it was the day when important decrees would be passed and judgements pronounced. It was the day when the most critical cases would be decreed and decided and disposed, considering their urgency in essence.

The gossips and interpretations of the judgements, answering to the million dollar question of 'Justice- Sacrifiesed Or Served' would be enthralling item for the public to munch on, till the next session of courts open.

It was very critical day for Justice Garcia as she would pronounce her verdict on The 'Sam McKay' case, today. Though it wasn't her first for pronouncing death penalty, the love and support received by the accused throughout the trial was intimidating. There had occured contepmt of court in many different ways imaginable, on almost every of the hearings. The proceedings had to be continued in camera to avoid further disturbances.

The Court room was drop-dead silent when Justice Garcia walked in from her chambers.

"All Rise For Justice Garcia", the announcement drew everybody's attention to her.

One could hear the click of the impatient shoes and the creek of the desk and chair when she walked towards her desk, while the citizens waited, restless in their seats, yearning for the verdict.

As Justice Garcia seated in her chair, her eyes briefly examined the courtroom. She glanced back at the documnets and the judgement she had concluded. She felt that the crowd today was more than daunting. every one of it stared at her, thrill and hatred filled in their eyes. She gulped and decided to focus on the papers while declaring the verdict.

She decided to make the verdict quick, loud and clear.

She cleared her voice and head before this big judgement.

"I hereby pronounce the death penalty to Mr. Sam McKay as the court finds him guilty for rape and murder of the deceased-Ms. Alicia Zane. This court also finds him guilty for the other charges of assault, battery, financial fraud and cyber crime. The court orders him to pay Rupees 50 Lakhs in total to the legal heirs of the deceased and Rupees 10 Lakhs towards the Court as Fine, to be paid before his execution. I have drawn this judgement and order by keeping in view all the legal aspects as well as other material and relevant circumstances, evidences, witnesses, arguments and prayers submitted by both the counsels. Counsels can view the order and judgement including the detailed charges and penalty schedule, by tomorrow afternoon."

She hammered her gavel and decalred that the long awaited 'Sam McKay case' was finally disposed off.

The moment the gavel hit with the thudd, the quorum of the court, which was full of the reporters and many devoted followers of Mr. McKay, created a big chatter, mostly a language without the filters was shared amongst the crowd. The cheos went beyond the control of the police enforcement.

A shoe came flying from somewhere and attempted to hit Justice Garcia. The Bench Clerk smartly and swiftly took the fall by catching the shoe and the steno walked Justice Garcia out of the courtroom.

Followed by the shoe was fired a gunshot... Its sound, evident and Sinister.

Luckily for her, her chamber was annexed to her court room.

She was sweating when she was rushed in to her chambers, goosebumps all over her hands. She couldn't hide her anger. She could feel her brain going stupor for a couple of minutes. She sunk in her leather boss-chair while the only noise she could hear was of her heart thumping against her ribcage, every beat of it evident of its fastened pace. Every other thing turned mute.

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