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It's been too long since Morgana Vorhis has gone without blood but she is reluctant to hunt humans for herself anymore. Life have no meaning to her anymore, if it isn't for Sol who kept bringing beguiled villagers to her, she would've long been dead.

Stepping out of the dark enclave she called home the past few centuries, she sees a familiar majestic figure before her.

"Father." She bows deeply.

Orpheus Vorhis had been standing outside the sea cave his second daughter has made her place of residence since her disappearance nearly a millennia ago for 2 hours. The woman before him is unkempt and malnourished, the look in her eyes dead. A Royal Pureblood reduced to such ends, he shakes his head in disappointment.

"Rise," he commands.

She got up slowly, as if her bones ache from the action.

"Why are you here." Morgana had thought she managed to disappear off the face of the Earth when she severed all ties with the Royal Court.

"Your mother's death anniversary is coming up. Are you not going to come again?"

Morgana fidgets uneasily. She had always been close to her mother but after what had happened, she couldn't bring herself to interact with other Vampires. Much less with the Vampires in the Royal Court, where Purebloods with too much time reside.

Instead of replying her father, Morgana choose to change the subject. "Where is Sol?"

"If you weren't so weak you will be able to know for yourself. You are weaker than even a Fledgling." Orpheus looks at his daughter in disdain. She used to be so stunning, so like him, until she met that human bastard and is reduced to a wraith of a goddes. "Where is Nyx? With the human, I presume."

"His name is Galen, Father. He's dead."

"As he should be." Orpheus replies with no remorse in his voice.

Silence reign between the two. Orpheus no longer knew how to interact with this daughter of his. Morgana had always been closer to Bronwen than he but they were never this distant. The waves rolls in leisurely, gently soaking the rocks before him. Although humble, this place suited his daughter, he is glad that at least she hadn't lost all her senses after the loss of her human lover.

"You picked a decent place to make a nest, although it could've been better," Orpheus says.

"Why are you really here Father?" Morgana asks, not caring about decorum anymore.

Orpheus tsked under his breath, "Am I really that obvious?"

Morgana only turn away to look out at the dark ocean. "You had numerous times to come talk about Mother's death anniversary but only chose now. Is it because Kalama has gotten into trouble again or is it Keyne this time?"

"You have the Heart and Mind to become a ruler, if only you were born a male..." Orpheus wonders if things would've been different if Morgana was a male instead. Would things still have turned out the way it is now?

"The game of politics have never interested me. I'm growing tired of this ceaseless conversation Father, what is it you want from me?"

"I want you to go back and help Keyne to the throne."

Morgana immediately whips around to look at her father. "Are you abdicating?"

"Do not have any funny ideas Daughter. I am merely going into seclusion and leaving Keyne as regent." Orpheus knows that his daughter, although missing for so long, still has supporters at the Royal Court.

"If you are merely going sightseeing, you won't need me. I'm sure Keyne is old enough, and responsible enough, to take care of himself and your kingdom Father."

"I only wish that were true." Orpheus sigh wearily. Of his three children, Kalama is the oldest. Fiery and headstrong, she believes that the old traditions should be brought back. Morgana, the second, is barely alive with no care for her Kingdom. Keyne, the youngest, is also the most naive and still not able to rule properly. "If you will not come back, I will have to resort to drastic means and I'm sure you will not like them."

"What more can you threaten me with Father? I do not care anymore, my lover is dead. There is nothing left for you to destroy."

"Then I believe the little family of humans that Nyx is guarding are of no worth."

Morgana snarls in anger, she charge towards Orpheus in blind rage but before she manage to move more than a few steps she is slammed down into Earth. Orpheus' special ability is Gravity Manipulation after all. He stands before her and watch in antipathy at the state his daughter is in. In the past, she could've at least held her own for a little while.

"Let me go and fight me honourably Father!" she shouts, straining against the weight of gravity.

"How you've weakened," Orpheus says as he watch the once gentle wave crash heavily against the rocks. "You can't even control your base ability anymore."

Morgana's answer is to growl her frustration. It is true that because of her lack of care that have caused her to weaken considerably.

"You're useless to me now Daughter. Grow and gather your strength before you come back. You have a decade and you wouldn't want to dally."

Morgana senses the hidden threat behind her father's words but she is reluctant to be involved anymore. All she wants now is for Orpheus to be gone so that she can go back to wallowing in sadness. She mutters a non-committal yes and feel the heaviness in the air dissipate. Staggering up, she watch as Orpheus disappears into a puff of smoke.

Good riddance, she thinks but Orpheus' visit is only the beginning.



This is just an idea that I'm playing around in my head right now. I'm still not sure how exactly this story is supposed to turn out but I've begin writing a few chapters of it already. Chapter 1-3 will only be posted after the book is more or less finished. When I do post the chapters I'll probably be looking for beta readers so if you're interested in how this will turn out, do keep a look out! And have a great day/week ahead wherever you are!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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