Chapter 1- The Day I Met Him

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Chapter 1- The Day I Met Him

The day I met my true love, was a day that I’ll never forget.  It was a cold April morning, it actually wasn’t very cold if you consider the world as a whole, but in the world I live in, which is the world of movie stars and wealth beyond compare, by the way.  Anyways, I live in Los Angeles, California about a mile from Hermosa Beach, and it’s 65 degrees out 50 degrees if you include the cool ocean breeze.  It’s so “cold” that my mom broke out the only winter coat she owns and made me a large mug of hot chocolate and marshmallows.  The coat she has is purple with neon splashes of color all over it, and after I got bundled up in that she gave me a ski mask and said it was a necessity, and she insisted that I wear it outside so that I wouldn’t get frost bitten on the way from my front porch to my used 1969 Chevrolet that had been heating up in the driveway since 5 AM.  Once I got into the car I threw all of my winter stuff in the backseat, except for the ski mask, I shoved that in my backpack thinking that it would come in handy someday.  I had about 10 minutes to get to school if I wanted to be a little early, but I decided since I hardly had enough gas to get my to school, I would head to Kwik Stop and fill up my tank as far as I could get it with only 20 dollars in my pocket.  By the time I was finished getting gas, i decided to aim to be in class “fashionably late”, instead of “a little early”.

I got to my English class about five minutes late.  I apologized to Ms. Brybarry and handed her my late slip.  Apparently, we had gotten new seats, I looked at the seating chart and I discovered I was going to be sitting by a new kid whose name was Nash Grier.

“Nash” I thought to myself as I walked to my new seat, “That can’t be his real name, he’s probably just some emo kid who changed his name to Nash to signify some sort of pain or something emo-ish like that.”  As I sat down, I noticed he was wearing a black sweatshirt and he had his hood up.  I couldn’t see his face, so I assumed he was hiding it.  He probably had piercings and wore “guy liner” and possibly had a nasty skin condition.  His hair was probably dyed black and it was probably long and greasy. His name, Nash, kind of stuck in my head for a while and after thinking about it, I decided it was actually kind of cute.  It had a “cutesy” ring to it, but the thought that it was probably fake was kind of overpowering to the fact that I liked it.

Towards the end of class, he turned around and said, “Hey! I’m Nash, Nash Grier...uh...who are you?” For a second, I got lost in the fact that he was gorgeous!  He had wonderful eyes, they were large and a soft, pastel blue color. They were magnificent, I couldn’t help getting lost in them.  He unzipped his hoodie and he revealed a red polo that was a little too tight, but it was fantastic considering the fact that it was showing a 6-pack of abs!  His hair was a rich chocolatey brown and it was gelled up and it was absolutely perfect, like the rest of him.

Once I realized that I had spent a lot of time examining his beauty with an open, gaping mouth, I responded, “I’m Clio Presley.” Nash held out his hand to me and I drew my sweaty hand from my pocket and reached to shake his.  He had a firm grip, and his hand felt amazing, it was muscular and I felt like I had shaken it before.

“Wait, your last name is Presley, like Elvis Presley?” he asked. His eyes grew a bit bigger, and they were cute as ever!

“Yeah, ironically, he’s my great-grandpa.”

“Whoa! Oh my gosh! That’s so-”

“Miss Presley! Mr. Grier! Since you have obviously bonded during my lesson, why don’t you be Nash’s partner for the day Clio?” Ms. Brybarry shouted.

“Thanks Ms. Brybarry, Clio is obviously the best one for that job, haha she’s the first one I met here in L.A., plus, she’s super cute, and it’s gonna boost my hallway cred to be seen with her!” Nash said.  I couldn’t believe how confident he was! It was very attractive!

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