The Knight

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Once upon a time, there was a valiant knight by the name of Lord Harry Styles of Chesire

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Once upon a time, there was a valiant knight by the name of Lord Harry Styles of Chesire. He was well loved by all in his village, kind to all, and the leader of a branch of the Queen's military, despite only being twenty-three years old. His eyes were a piercing green, his hair long, curly, and dark brown, and a tall, lanky frame. Nearly every young man and woman in the village sought after or wanted to be him.

The entire kingdom had been in mourning after Queen Johannah passed away and nearly every family sent their condolences to King Daniel and their seven children. For the first few months following the beloved queen's death, all was peaceful within the kingdom and the surrounding nations. That is, until a group of bandits kidnapped the three oldest children of the royal family, trapping them in a cave guarded by a monstrous dragon. King Daniel put out a message to the kingdom promising a reward to any village whose militia was able to rescue the three children. The dragon's cave was in the Scottish highlands, a long way from the kingdom's castle in Doncaster. 

Many knights and their armies had already failed, but Harry Styles was determined to train his troops to be the best in the kingdom and defeat the dragon. 

"Lord Styles! When do you think we shall be ready to fight for the royal family?" a young soldier asked him one day after training.

"I hope to be ready within the next week. You all have already come so far and I must thank you for your dedication," he responded.

"Of course! You and your family have done so much for this town and it is an honor to fight for the crown."

"Still, I must thank you. You should not feel obligated to own me anything. I have simply done what I feel is right."

A week later, sure enough, Harry felt his troops were strong enough to take on the dragon, setting out for Scotland after saying farewell to his family. His mother, Anne, and sister, Gemma, made him promise to return home, to which he happily obliged, feeling confident in his troops' abilities. Although as they trekked across the lands, he could not help but miss his family.

When they finally reached the cave, Harry commanded his troops to attack the vicious dragon, easily defeating the beast. He ventured into the cave with a mall team, leaving the rest of the soldiers outside to keep watch. They found the children deep in the cave, only to realize that the "children" were not children, but young adults. Each of the three was at least in their late teens or early twenties. 

"Is someone there? Did they make it through?" the youngest girl yelled excitedly as she ran toward the soldiers. 

"Yes, my lady. I am Lord Harry Styles of Chesire and I have defeated the dragon in order to return you to your home," Harry said, bowing in front of her. "I do apologize, though, as I do not know your names."

"I'm Felicite," the youngest said.

"I'm Charlotte," the second girl said. The last child of the king held back, still peeking around the corner, wary of the tall man and his soldiers. "That's Lou." At the sound of their name, Lou crept from behind the corner, finally coming into Harry's field of vision. 

"It is an honor to rescue the crown -" Harry started, bowing his head in Lou's direction.

"You don't have to bow," Lou interrupted him. "I should be the one to thank you for rescuing us."

Harry simply nodded, amazed by their kindness.

"Let us go then," Lou stated, walking past everyone toward the mouth of the cave.

Harry and his men escorted the three members of royalty back to the castle, being met with celebrations and bringing his village great honor. And if Lou asked for Harry's address to stay in contact, no one needs to know.

Lazy writing, am I right?

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