How You Meet

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You were getting ready to head to the PressPlay event in Y/C/N with your best friend Y/BFF/N to see your future husband Wesley, she was on her way to your house to pick you up. You were sitting on your phone reading Shawn Mendes interracial imagines when you heard the doorbell ring.

You walked to the door and saw your best friend leaning against the threshold of the door. You gave her a quick hug and walked to her car. After stopping for food, you made it to the hotel that the event was going to be held.

As soon as Y/BFF/N parked the car, your emotions started going wild.

"Oh my gosh Y/BFF/N I can't do this.. Wesley is in there! He's going to see me in this!" You motioned to your outfit and hair. "I can't go in! I can't do it Y/BFF/N." You crossed your arms and sat back in the seat

"Y/N I know you didn't pay $150 and make me drive all the way down here for you to chicken out. You better get out of my car." She said taking off her seatbelt.

You groaned loudly and looked in the mirror one last time at your appearance before taking off your seatbelt and running toward Y/BFF/N who was already headed toward the entrance.

When you got inside, you were greeted by the hotel staff directing you to the room that you needed to go to. When you got there, the people standing outside gave you and your friend your lanyards and the both of you made your way inside.

The both of you stood to yourselves and talked for a little while, when you turned around to see Wesley standing next to you talking to Taylor Baxter. You turned back to your friend and let out a loud gasp and started hyperventilating silently.

"Go talk to him stupid" she whispered to you

"Oh my gosh.. oh my gosh.." you mouthed to yourself as you tried to gain enough courage to talk to him, when all of a sudden Y/BFF/N shoved you and you fell over.

Closing your eyes expecting to fall to the ground, you were surprised when you felt two strong arms wrapped around your waist and lift you up quickly.

You opened one eye and saw Wes looking at your friend with concern in his eyes, when he turned back to you he smiled gently and started talking.

"Hey are you ok?" he asked 

"Oh my gosh... Daddy...?" you looked at him in awe

"Daddy?" he smirked at you

Your eyes widened in realization and you slapped your hand against your face in embarrassment, "I am so sorry Wes.. I don't know what I was thinking.. Oh my god... what is wrong with me.. he hates me now" you started rambling to yourself walking back in forth.

I looked over at Y/BFF/N and she had a hand slapped on her face.

"Babe wait, its ok... I kinda like it" He winked at me, grabbing my hand

The rest of the day was spent walking around with Wesley and talking about your interests. By the end of the night, the both of you'd exchanged numbers and started the beginning of your relationship.

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed! More to come soon!!


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