Chapter 1

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I tried as much as I could to look like I was busy, but I guess that didn't work.

The door suddenly opened wide with the light of the hallway starting to show, while Isabelle dashed into my room. She had the most curious expression on her face, probably wondering what to ask.

"What's high school like?" the questioned with a slight smile on her face. I pondered a bit, for what I could answer this question with.

Should I be nice.....or should I tell the truth? Umm.... How can I say both in one word?

"Ummm... in one word?" I asked her hoping for an answer I could work with.

"Yeah, sure. In one word." She responded with the same smile on her face, but now her head slightly tilting.

'' hell." I stated with the blankest expression on my face.

"Seriously? It can't be that bad. You... probably just don't like one or two teachers there..." she acknowledged while she had the most confused look on her face.

"I guess, but-"I was about to say, but she ended up going to a different question. Yay.

"How about essays? Is it just like how everyone says they are? Like... are they super long? Are they really that boring?" she stated.

"Well.... They could, but it really depends on the topic." I answered, waiting for the next question.

"How about the mean kids? Are there any mean kids at St. Patricia?" she asked with a more worried expression.

Ok. I understand that she's about to go to high school, but why this many questions? Doesn't one of the teachers explain what it's like there?

"Isabelle,-"I started.

"Belle." She responded.

"Fine, Belle, it really depends how you want to be treated. If you're really mean, a lot of people will not respect you, if you're nice, you'd probably make a lot of friends." I assumed.

"But Asher! It's not that simple! Will there be places that I won't be accepted in? Will it be similar to the tv shows that really say that it's a lot of fun or to the ones that say that its really bad?!" she squawked.

In this moment I tried to distract her from the thoughts of high school. It didn't turn out too well.

"Did you write your letter to James yet?" I said, not knowing why I said that from all the things I could have said.

Her face turned pale. She didn't respond. All she had was a shocked look on her face.

"You know... James Cote? Your brother? Well, at least one of them." I continued.

"Shut up." She replied.

"You didn't? He's in a mental hospital, and you, his best friend, doesn't respond? How long has it been? A year? And he's not even in Canada! He's in New Jersey! Why haven't-"My face turned into a shocked look as well.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" she yelled as she started to tear up.

"He's the one who almost killed me! While I was sleeping! Multiple times! And you think he's innocent?! Why?!"She screamed.

"He's lucky to at least have Marie with him in New Jersey! Plus, I think he's innocent because it wasn't him that wanted to kill you! It was something wrong with his brain! When he's awake he's fine, but when he's sleeping, well.... he's a homicidal sleepwalker! Also, he started asking for you in letters, and you're not responding which is making him more depressed! Stop acting like he's dead to you!" I yelled back.

She stopped yelling, but cried even harder, while running out of my room, into the well-lit hallway running to her room I assumed.

I turned back to my desk, peering through many papers lying everywhere on the desk until I found the letters. They were in a binder which had our family name on it, Cote, written on it with wondrous calligraphy. I slowly took the letters out looking at James's writing, and how many times through his letters, he says he misses us. From what I felt, my irritated expression changed into more of a concerned and gloomy one.

I slowly and quietly walked down the hallway going to Belle's room. Her door was tightly shut and could hear her quiet whimpering. I slipped the letters under her door. And walked back a couple steps. I could hear her soft footsteps coming towards the door. From what I heard, she picked the letters up silently and walked away from the closed doorway. After that I walked back to my room and sat down on my bed.

Will that be enough to inspire her to write to him? Or will that destroy the chances of writing to him?

I looked out of my window to see the falling of night. The wind was ever so slightly howling.  I bowed my head and put my hands on my face then whispered:

"What have I done?"

Yay! finished the first chapter!-have fun <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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