Prologue- Anaemia- 2012

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Come on, Ayla." her dad ushered a five year old Ayla down the cold cement sidewalk as they made their way back from the Black Market. Today it had been overflowing with half-bloods. Vampires, werewolves, fairies, warlocks, all those creatures. In Anaemia, all the things that were human but not entirely, were called half-bloods. There was usually a large crowd over by Puck's tent, but today was different. The four leaders of each circle were gathered there, and they never gathered. They hated each other's guts, but one thing they all understood, was the language of war and vengeance. The only reason they would gather, was that there was a greater enemy threat, and the only beings powerful enough to stir fear in the four circles were... he gulped hard and discreetly looked over his shoulder at his daughter. She looked so innocent, jumping from puddle to puddle in that little white dress, hair done in two pigtails with bows at the ends. He knew there would come a day when he would have to tell her the truth about everything, but he had done all he could to make sure that that day wouldn't be coming anytime soon. They would come for Ayla one day, just like they had come for her and there was no stopping them. He just wanted to give her her childhood. She didn't need to know that the monsters under her bed were real, that the dark was something to be scared of. Not right now, not when she was just seeing the beautiful side of this world. His toe hit the edge of the stairs that led up to their house and he threw his hands out to balance himself. As he looked up he saw Ayla, just standing there, grinning, and staring at the house as if she were seeing it for the first time.
" Uh dad? I think mom got a little too mad at Aria," she said between giggles. He followed her line of sight and his eyes finally rested on the door, well, what was left of it anyway. The house that had once been dusted with a light brown coating of paint, the house that smelled of roses and cinnamon, it's driveway always lined with varied sizes of stones and flowers, now faintly smelled of blood and metal. It looked like a hurricane had torn through the entrance, turned all of the house's belongings inside out, but chose to leave the whole entirety of the house intact. The door had been ripped off its hinges, and parts of it were scattered all over the living room floor and outside lawn. His heart racing a mile a minute, he ran into the house frantically with his daughter right at his heels.
He turned around and said, "Ayla,baby, go get your sister and meet me in mommy's room okay?"
" Okay." she replied, a little hesitant. "What's wrong daddy?"
His gaze looked panicked," Just trust me ok?"
She nodded, swiveled around and ran to her sister's door. He stayed turned around just long enough to see his daughter turn the knob to Aria's door. He moved toward his room faster than he had ever moved before. He threw open the door and ran inside. His eyes swept over the room and after finally landing on the stiff body of his wife, he fell to his knees next to her. Sobs racked his body as he gathered her still fragile body up in his arms. He could feel her cold lifeless eyes staring up at him and he moved one of his hands briefly to close them. It almost made it seem like she was in a deep sleep but the knife protruding from her back said otherwise. Ayla walked through the door slowly with Aria's body stiff and her neck tilted at an odd angle.
"Daddy, Daddy! I got Aria just like you said I should! But she won't wake up." Ayla exclaimed." Dad? Help me, why won't you help me?"
She walked over to him and set Aria down as gently as a nine year old could. Her eyes then fell on the body of her mother. She skipped over to her mother, sat down with a and took her mother's larger hand in her own. She started revealing the day's events to mother, but soon realized that her mother had not responded to anything she had said. Her mother hadn't even moved a muscle towards Ayla.
" Mom? MOM answer me! Mom please! MOMMY!" Big fat tears spilled onto her cheeks and rolled down her face until they splattered onto the carpet and landed on her mother's body.
" Dad why aren't mom or Aria waking up! What happened to them!?" she cried out.
"They're gone, they're gone and they're never coming back." he said to himself more than he said to his daughter. He noticed his wife's hand enclosed around a paper of sorts. He took her hand in his, gently uncurled her fist and a piece of papyrus, no bigger than his daughter's palm, fell out. He opened the crinkled piece of paper and on it were four words. Those four words were like a bucket of ice cold water dumped over him.
    I am coming.

Realisation dawned on him and he realised what he had to do before it was too late. He threw his head back and screamed a scream full of agony and promises of revenge.

This is probably gonna be a slow book cause I've got school to deal with. Sry for the delays.

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