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I need to get on a schedule. It's getting to the point where I'm mad at myself.


Apollo XVIII

The fuzz of a radio tuning in caught the attention of the head administrator.

"This is Halley reporting in. Found subject and am now towing to the Apollo XVIII. Mission accomplished."

The head administrator made no expression, only nodded and spoke into a mic.

"Good job Halley. You may return to your cabin when you reach the Apollo XVIII."

"Thank you, ma'am."

The head administrator swiveled her chair towards the door. Without making any movement, she spoke to the man beside her.

"Watch the screens for me. I have something to take care of."

Black Cloud

Twelve boys lay sleeping in their rescue pod. They have been sleeping for a long time and have never awoken. Today, unknown to them, is the day that they have now shown up on space radar.

Before they were lost, they were part of an army to rid outer space of an alien species threatening to eliminate the earth. The alien species are called Aerglos, meaning to take. The meaning is very literal because many people have been taken by them and never returned. The story of how the boys are now floating around in space is to be told later. Right now, the story after they are found is going to be told.

A two hundred year legend, that has awed many people over the decades will now come alive.

The Dozen SeventeenWhere stories live. Discover now