Confess Your Feelings( Go HICCSTRID )

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Heather created a new chat

Heather added Finn, Rebecca, Tyler and Steve
Heather named the chat HICCTRID!
Heather changed Finn's name to Fishlegs
Heather changed Rebecca's name to Ruff
Heather changed Tyler's name to Tuff
Heather changed Steve's name to Snotface
Heather: GUYS!
Fishlegs: Heather? What's going on? Is something wrong?
Tuff: And what the hell does hiccstrid mean?
Ruff: Is it like, a secret society and you want us to join?
Heather: What?
Heather: No!
Heather: This is just a regular groupchat.
Heather: And you're here for a reason, and that reason is not a secret society!
Snotface: Well, not sure if you noticed, but you kinda forgot two of the people from our 'group' or whatever.
Tuff: Hey, you're right.
Tuff: One sec, I'll add them.
Heather: NO!
Heather: YOU CANT!
Ruff: Why?
Fishlegs: Heather, please answer, is something wrong?
Snotface: Hah, please tell me my dear cousin screwed up. Lol.
Fishlegs: Snotlout!
Snotface: I'm kidding! Jeez.
Heather: We have have to get Hiccup and Astrid together.
Heather: And no, everything's fine, Fishlegs.
Fishlegs: Oh, okay.
Fishlegs: What are you talking about?
Ruff: Seriously?
Fishlegs: What?
Tuff: Wow...
Tuff: Man...
Fishlegs: What?
Tuff: Even we're not that dense.
Ruff: That's just sad.
Heather: Guys! We need to focus!
Snotface: On what? Playing matchmakers?
Snotface: Yeah right.
Heather: Actually, that's exactly what we're doing!
Fishlegs: Ahh.
Ruff: You think he got it?
Tuff: Eh.
Heather: GUYS!
Heather: I have a plan.
Heather: But I kinda need your help.
Heather: So...
Snotface: Woah, woah, woah. Wait a second.
Snotface: What made you think Astrid likes Hiccup? Why would she want that when she can have this?
Fishlegs: I think you answered your own question, Snotlout.
Ruff: Hah, ROASTED!
Heather: Guys, just pay attention!
Fishlegs: Sorry, Heather.
Heather: I'm gonna change the chat name, then I'll add Hiccup and Astrid.
Heather: You're gonna act like nothing is out of the normal.
Heather: When I tell you to, you all leave the chat. I'll do the rest.
Fishlegs: Leave the chat? How's that gonna help?
Snotface: That's the stupidest thing I've heard all day.
Tuff: ?
Ruff: ??
Tuff: ???
Ruff: ????
Tuff: Oh, you've started a war.
Tuff: And you can't win!
Tuff: The war.
Tuff: You can't win the war.
Tuff: You know, the war you've started. You can't win it.
Tuff: Cause I'll be victorious!
Snotface: We get it.
Snotface: Now shut up!
Heather: G-U-Y-S. Just focus.
Ruff: Okay, okay, we got it.
Heather: Good.
Heather named the chat Gang
Heather added Hiccup and Astrid
Hiccup: Hello?
Astrid: What's going on?
Heather: You know, the usual.
Tuff: Yes.
Tuff: There is absolutely nothing suspicious going on here.
Ruff: Not at all.
Tuff: No such thing.
Astrid: ...
Astrid: Right.
Hiccup: You made a chat?
Heather: Yeah, all of us are here!
Hiccup: Really? That's great! Hi guys!
Fishlegs: Hi Hiccup! Hi Astrid!
Astrid: Hi Fish.
Snotface: Yeah, Sure.
Hiccup: Hey, do you guys remember what we were supposed to read for tomorrow?
Fishlegs: It's page four to seven. We also have to answer question three to nine, but six and seven are irrelevant.
Hiccup: Thanks, Legs, you've saved me!
Fishlegs: No problem!
Snotface: Enough about homework.
Snotface: So, how are you, Astrid?
Astrid: Ugh. Can we please remove him from the group?
Heather: You know what, that a really good idea!
Heather: Abort! Go! Now!
Hiccup: What?
Hiccup: Heather, what does that mean? Go where?
Tuff left the chat
Ruff left the chat
Fishlegs: I'm sorry you guys.
Fishlegs left the chat
Astrid: Hey!
Hiccup: What are you doing?
Snotface: This is stupid, I'm not leaving.
Heather: Yes you are!
Heather removed Snotface from the chat
Heather: Now talk! And don't you dare leave!
Heather named the chat Confess Your Feelings( Go HICCSTRID! )
Heather left the chat
Astrid: Heather!
Astrid: You're so dead!
Hiccup: ...
Astrid: I can't believe them!
Hiccup: Wow. They actually left.
Astrid: Yeah.
Hiccup: So... What now?
Hiccup: I mean, what was the point of all this?
Astrid: Oh...
Hiccup: Oh?
Astrid: Hiccup... They want us to 'Talk about our feelings'.
Hiccup: What
Hiccup: ?
Hiccup: Astrid, that doesn't... Oh.
Astrid: Yeah. Oh.
Hiccup: Well, this is awkward.
Astrid: You don't say.
Hiccup: They're probably really proud of themselves.
Hiccup: You know what, his kinda reminds me of when we tried to get Fishlegs and Heather together.
Astrid: How?
Astrid: How does this even remotely remind you of locking two people up inside a closet together?
Hiccup: Good point.
Astrid: Hiccup...
Astrid: Are you okay?
Hiccup: Of course I'm okay.
Hiccup: You have no need to worry, we've talked about this.
Hiccup: Promise! :)
Astrid: Okay.
Hiccup: But seriously, we should do something about this.
Astrid: What? The chat?
Hiccup: No, the reason for the chat.
Hiccup: Even Fishlegs is bothering me about us now!
Astrid: Really?
Astrid: Fishlegs?
Hiccup: Yeah.
Astrid: Huh. Never thought that would happen.
Hiccup: Nope.
Hiccup: Should we tell them?
Hiccup: About us?
Astrid: I dunno.
Astrid: Maybe?
Hiccup: So...
Astrid: See you later?
Hiccup: Sure!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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