Not Alike

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We all have some one that we can tell everything to. And they are probably your favorite people. You might have a few people you tell everything to. They are called best friends. Well, then there's me no friends and very anti social. Now I actually do have a best friend, but it isn't a living thing. It's imaginary, and I know what you are thinking Great I'm reading a story about a girl with problems. I actually enjoy anti social so don't worry you don't need to think I'm looking for attention.

Well, I'm guessing you want to know my name. It's Sierra Hatmon. I know best name ever. I'm in ninth grade, average grades, and one of those people who just don't really care how they look for school. So that means an annoyingly floppy bun, sweatpants, and usually my favorite black sweater. And I know you probably think I'm writing about my sad life, but I'm not. You see, my mom is concerned about me for not having friends. She thinks I'm depressed but I told her not to worry before the last day of eighth grade, None of my classmates like me and I don't like them. My mom took that way to seriously because the next day we packed up and moved from New York to Iowa.

I was actually okay with that. No one in Iowa knew who I was and I didn't know them. The system worked out all summer. I didn't have to worry about people in New York pointing at the strange girl who always wore the black sweater. I was free.

And then comes the worst part. High school. I totally forgot going to school is necessary. Even worse, I had to meet knew people. I tried to complain to my mom I didn't like being friendly and now she's making me do a social help program. It's even worse than New York.

First day of school and regretting not playing hooky. I'm sitting on the bus listening to music while everyone else is talking about their summer. I wouldn't be surprised if some were talking about the one weird girl. This is so much fun.

I am looking forward to one thing tho . Dancing. I know that came out of now where. Not to brag or anything but in New York, I was one of the top dancers. See you thought there was no upside to me. Fooled you.

As i sat down in a seat in the back of of the home room classroom, one of those girls who wear makeup, fancy clothes, perfect hair, and giggle at boys sat in front go me. Yay me, it's going to be a long school year. The girl turned around, and at first I didn't look up. She said , "Sorry I forgot a penci--"

She stopped mid-sentence. I looked up and it was like seeing a pretty version of me.

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