Chapter 1 The Begining of a New life

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Hey everyone! Snow or the Mini Pyro here, bringing you another story, this one is about another OC of mine, Named Revy, I hope you enjoy this book and stick with me to the end, with that said, enjoy

Also the characters are gonna be Semi outta character, but I will try and keep em as close as possible to the way they where made in the official RWBY series
I do not Work for or Own Rooster Teeth, or RWBY, please support the Official site and Release as it is a good quality Animation that is constantly getting better with time.

This story begins in an aero plane, loading up people,luggage along with tearful goodbyes between one another were being exchanged, a young cloaked figure was getting on as well, no one was there to send this person off, and they had little luggage, the moment they got on they removed the hood, and a roguish looking young lad was staring out into the open sky that called to him.

This Fine young gentleman had Two scars that where very deep, and very visible one along his bottom right hand side of his chin up across to his left upper lip, it was a singular line, as if by a knife, perhaps a tree branch, or something along those lines of thinness, yet fine tipped.
The second was that of a Claw of 3 nails, across his neck, going from bottom left to top right, it's was not as deep as the first one, but it was still a deep scar non-the less.

The young man sighed rubbing the back of his neck as he continued staring out into the vast unknown, many thoughts traversed his head, but the main one was how he would fit in? He was so young, and barely experienced in any sort of knowledge, and yet this place he was going to, they accepted him, hell basicly asked him to join them, as if he was special.

"Ain't nothing Special bout me, no sir...I'm just another boy looking to become a man."

The young man sighed once more but his attention was grabbed as he saw some girls  one with long curly yet fiery looking hair that go's to her lower back, she was very well matured for her age, or his assuming age of her, she had a yellow crop top on with a symbol on it, the young man simply assumed this was her Symbol, along with the crop top was a vest jacket, that was long enough to go just above her belly button, done up neatly,however it made her bossom appeared on the top far more then it should, she also had a...skirt? It was hard to describe what she wore, he saw for a fact she had Black short shorts under neath since there was an opening at the front, but she had like...a utility Skirt on that was open in the front.

'Must be a martial artist, that opening would provide excellent leg movement and freedom.'

The next girl he saw was quiet the oposite, she wasn't very matured for her age, however the best things come in small packages, the best way to discribe her? Little red ridding hood, only more black and..badass in a cute way, she had a red hood, two pouches on her hips, along with what looked like singular bullets, a glimpse of what he was guessing as her weapon, it was in a Rectangular form, and on her lower back, he couldn't exactly see it very well, but he guessed if it was folded like that, it had to be large, he couldn't see nothing on the Blondie though, Little red also had black hair with red highlights.

They where bickering, Little Red seemed nervous, was she scared that she wouldn't fit in either? Blondie seemed to be trying to cheer her up, He overheard a bit of the conversation, and he manged to catch there names the Blondie was Yang and Little Red was Ruby, didn't mater, he got them nicknames and was gonna stick to em.

'Maybe I should go introduce my self? What could go wrong right? Just need to make friends and relax'

The young man approached the girls and smiles shyly waving at them and they waved back as well smiling.

'At least they where a friendly bunch.'

The young man aproached them closer so they could talk, Little red, or Ruby seemed to be a little more nervous to talk to him, was it the scars?

"Hello ladies, how are you this afternoon?"

Our character's voice was gentle, and soothing, like a mother's lullaby to her new born infant, yet it had a deeper tone to, not deep enough to sound like a creepy male, but deep enough to show despite the sound of how his voice was, he was male.

Blondie grinned and pushed her sister forward to which Little Red stumbled forward with a flustered face and was stumbling on her speach.

"H-hey there, ummm not to bad...your self?"

The Blondie seem to smile proudly at her sister..or best friend who knows

"Oh I'm not to bad, you guys heading to  Beacon Academy also?"

Little red seemed to have cheered up at the sound of that. "Yes~!! I can't wait! It's one of the elite schools for Hunters and Huntresses!! They have got to be amazing Weapons and Dormitories and everything!!"

She however seemed to grow suddenly scared and worried.

"B-but what if I don't fit in? I mean I skipped a few years from school to be here and was accepted, I don't wanna be know as the braty kid...but I really wanna go~ oh~ so many emotions!"

The young man grasped her by both shoulders grinning and Ruby looked at the young man in the eyes as did he to her.

"Hey, you gotta relax, sure, maybe you'll have troubles making friends at first but that sorta thing happens, it's just like the start of your life all over again, just go out there, be you and make some friends! You don't need to be popular or attractive if that's what your worried about, just be you and I'm sure you'll have plenty of friends."

Ruby seemed to have cheered up quiet a bit from that little pep talk, he removed his hands from her shoulder grinning, he also noticed that Blondie had her arms crossed smirking and walked up with a Questioning glance.

"So, what's those from?"

The young man was confused and raised an eyebrow


"These dummy"

The blondie reached out and touched his scar on his lip and neck, the young man flinched and backed away on contact and chuckled

"Long story for another time...Blondie"

Ruby giggled a little and Yang laughed a little before shooting him a glare.

"Well what did you want me to call you? I don't even know your guys names, to me your both Blondie and Little Red"

Ruby blushes embarrasingly at her little nickname and did a quiet giggle as yang sighed grinning.

"Yang, My name is Yang Xiao Long, this here is my little sister, her name is r--"

"Yang I'm not a helpless child!"

Ruby had a puffed out cheeks and an irritated look as she looked towards the young man.

"Ruby, my name is Ruby Rose, what's yours?"

"Pleasure to meet you Ruby Rose,
Yang Xiao Long, the names, Revy, just Revy"

"Just Revy? No last name?"

Revy shook his head grinning a childish grin his teeth had fangs, like that of a wolf.

"If I had one, never knew, far as I could remember I was.....well let's just say I don't remember a lot of roofs over my head."

The girls just nodded each with there own reaction and then, much to there excitement they saw Beacon Academy on the horizon they where getting close.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, until we see each other again, or whenever"

Revy said with a chuckle, which in return earned a pout from Ruby.

"Awww! You won't stay with us? Until we figure out where we are all staying?"

"Well...I guess I could stay for a bit, I mean, il most likely get lost within a second."

Ruby smiled with glee, it also seemed Revy made his first friend, Yang seemed proud at her sister, while also mad at this guy who just threw up all over her shoes.......


^^ don't worry Jaune lovers, he will be in this story very soon, well more introduced anyways, so relax! Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and il see you all in the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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