Chapter 1- Forever, My Arse

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"This is the last straw Ronald! I can't take it anymore! It's not even once a week anymore, it's every single night! Every single night, you come home drunk, or worse, with another woman!" Rons face paled at her last sentence.

"Yes, that's right! I know all about Lavender! About all those times you've brought her home and had her in our bed! I've had it Ronald! Pack your things and leave!" Hermione's voice shook as she spoke.

"Hermione please I-"

"Go! Get out! Take your things and leave!" Tears were streaming down Hermione's cheeks at this point.

Ron stepped forward and fell to his knees in front of Hermione. He grabbed Hermione's hands in his and begged.

"Please Hermione, please, anything, anything but-" he was cut off when Hermione pulled her hands away and walked towards her bedroom door.

She stopped before she opened it. She stared at the door for a few seconds before turning around to face Ron.

"I gave you everything Ron, for the last three years, ever since the final battle when you.... When you kissed me in the chamber of secrets..... I've given you everything, and how do you repay me? Go out and get drunk every night, sleep with your ex and goodness knows how many other whores! Well no more Ronald." She marched off into her room and slammed the door shut behind her.

If we won't leave me, I'm leaving him. She thought as she pulled an old suitcase down from the top of the wardrobe. It had a charm on it to make it like her bag, the one had used when the trio went horcrux hunting.


Not too far away, on the other side of London, a similar argument was being fought by none other than Draco Malfoy, Astoria Malfoy, and Daphne Greengrass, against Lucius

"Draco you can not divorce her! You must remain with her for this families reputation! Imagine what the Wizarding Community would think if they found out that not even a month after you were married, that you split up!" Lucius shouted.

"That's just the thing father! We were never married! Neither of us showed up to the ceremony! Daphne, Pansy and Blaize were the only ones that were there, they told everyone we did marry but we didn't! She doesn't even have an engagement ring!" Draco exclaimed, dramatically waving his arms around.

"I can't be with a man I do not love Mr Malfoy, it is inhuman." Astoria tried to reason.

"Please Lucius, let her out of this. She but a child-"

"The girl is almost 19 Daphne!" Lucius bellowed.

"And she was denied a proper up bringing because of people like you! She hardly knows any better! All she knows, is what Hogwarts and myself have taught her, all she knows about live, is what I've read to her from fairy tales, and this-" Daphne pointed at Draco and Astoria. "Is not that. You cannot make them marry. And you know it." She said sternly.

Lucius thought about it for a moment.

"Get out." He said fiercely.

"I beg your pardon?" Draco questioned, unsure if he had heard correctly or not.

"You heard me Draco. Get out, all of you! None of you are welcome in this house! Pack your things and leave!" Lucius's voice echoed through the halls of the Malfoy Manor.

The four of them stood in silence for a few moments.

Daphne turned and held Astoria's hand. "Lets go. We don't need this." She said sternly.

Astoria looked over at Draco apologetically. "I'm sorry Draco." She murmured.

"It's quite alright, we both deserve better." He nodded and they apparated away.

Draco turned to Lucius. "I'm leaving, and don't think I'm coming back when you have found yet another woman to force me into marrying. I'm going to pack my things then I'm gone." He stormed off upstairs.


"Hermione please don't go!" Ron begged as Hermione dragged the suitcase behind her across the living room to the front door.

"It's your own fault Ronald!" She said as she seated his hands away from hers.

"Mione please! I love you and I-"

"Really? You said that the day you proposed- I love you with all my heart, and will never betray you, leave you, or break your heart-" She quoted.

"I will love you forever." Ron finished.

Hermione scoffed. "Forever, my arse." She unlocked the door with a quick alohamorra.

"Take back your stupid ring." She burned and threw her ring at Ron's forehead.

Ron's tune changed dramatically the moment she walked out the door.

"Where will you Hermione?! You have nowhere! You have Nothing! Nothing without me! You're worthless without me! You're a worthless mudblood!" He shouted.

Hermione stopped in tracks. Strangest dejavu..... third year, except something's missing..... ah yes, I haven't-

She spun round and punched him in the face. There was a Loud crack as his nose broke and a thud as he fell onto the ground.

"I have a place. I already set it up. And for the record- I'm nothing when I'm with you. I am everything when I'm without you." She turned and got into the car and drove off.


"Please Draco stop! Think about what you're doing!" Narcissa cried as she grabbed her sons wrist before he walked out the front door to the muggle car he had bought a few months back.

"He doesn't want me here mother. He's made it very clear. But don't fret, the two of us can meet at a cafe somewhere in London. Or you can always visit me in the apartment I saw." He tried to reassure his mother.

"You have enough money? If you don't I'll-"

"Mother I've got three years worth of wages stored away. Working for the Aurors at the ministry pays quite well, I'll be set for a good while." He said.

"Just be safe." Sighed Narcissa as she realised she had to let him go.

"I will."

And he got in his car left.

Narcissa took a deep breath and sighed. She turned and walked into the Manor.

"LUCIUS ABRAXUS MALFOY! I SWEAR I'LL-" The from doors slammed shut.

AN- sorry for he short chapter folks, I will make most chapters at leat 1500words, this one was just over 1000. Thanks for reading my story and if you have any ideas or would like a shout out or character (everyone that asks gets one, I promise) just message me or comment or whatever is easier for you!

Rain xx

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