1. Voltron Chatroom?

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>Pidge is online<

>Hunk is online<

>Shiro is online<

>Keith is online<

>Lance is online<

Pidge: Hey, everyone!

Shiro: Uh, what is this?

Lance: Seems like a chatroom to me.

Hunk: Yeah, like the ones we have on Earth.

Keith: This is useless.

Pidge: No it isn't. We could use this to communicate! I'm glad I found this.

Keith: We have a communication system on our helmets.

Pidge: On the helmets. What if they're lost? Or gone? Or stolen?

Hunk: Yah, I think Pidge has point there. Staying in outer space for so long could make you really bored.

Shiro: So, what now?

>spacePrincess is online<

spacePrincess: Do you Earthlings do this often?

Lance: Wait a second, you can do that? You're Allura right?

spacePrincess: Who else would I be? Zarkon? *scoffs*

>silkyMoustache is online<

silkyMoustache: Hello Paladins! Oh, hello Princess!

Shiro: Hey Coran

silkyMoustache: How did you know it was me?

Keith: Nobody else actually has a moustache here except you.

(Pidge renamed into techFreak)

techFreak: I found out how to change our users!

(Lance renamed into theTailor)

theTailor: Me too.

silkyMoustache: Why are you called theTailor, Lance?

theTailor: It's because of how I thread the needle (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(Hunk renamed into foodieBear)

foodieBear: I think you should choose a user that suits you, Lance.

theTailor: Please, this name has been sticking to me since I entered the Garrisons.

(Keith renamed into redPaladin)

(Shiro renamed into blackPaladin)

techFreak: Wow aren't you guys creative?

redPaladin: At least my name suits me.

blackPaladin: This is the truth.

(techFreak renamed the redPaladin into angryMullet)

(techFreak renamed the blackPaladin into spaceDaddy)

theTailor: Ha! Now that suits you. Mullet.

spaceDaddy: I still don't understand my user..?

(angryMullet renamed the theTailor into flirtatiousAss)

flirtatiousAss: Hey!

angryMullet: Now that'll suit you.

>universesEmperor is online<

spacePrincess: Wait. Who is this?

silkyMoustache: I was sure there were only seven of us...

(universesEmperor renamed angryMullet into galraChild)

(universesEmperor renamed spaceDaddy to runawayExperiment)

galraChild: Holy-

runawayExperiment: Language!

>spacePrincess is offline<

>silkyMoustache is offline<

>runawayExperiment is offline<

>galraChild is offline<

>techFreak is offline<

>flirtatiousAss is offline<

>foodieBear is offline<

universesEmperor: This chatroom was made in the Galran Empire.

>universesEmperor is offline<

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