Chapter 2: The Executive Underdog

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Lucas sat in his dining room table for what seemed like an eternity. He felt awful for mentioning their mother, let alone use it as a means of changing his older brother's mind about the card game that he used to love all so much. But no matter.

Glancing over towards the clock, Lucas realize he would be late if he weren't to leave at this moment. Lucas got his bag, got the 2000 yen his brother had left him on the counter. Lucas opened the door and headed for school.


The school day went by as slow as it could possibly get. However, our young Lucas was glad for it to be finally over because he needed to get somewhere quick. That somewhere just so happened to be the school which Yugi attends to.

Now the whole scenario that happened earlier in the morning had slipped the two brothers' minds during the day. This is not the matter of them not missing their parents. I can assure you they do. This sort of conversation has occurred in the past that, now a days, the brothers had learned to best just moved on from it, to not allow the thoughts of their deceased parents prevent them from living. This was something that the two brothers could agree upon.

Lucas had finally made it to the school which Yugi attended. He was determined to ask around for Yugi. This determination kind of, sort of, maybe might've given Lucas this grumpy expression as though he was out to "get" Yugi. After a couple of minutes of asking Lucas thought maybe he might've gotten home. Either that or people didn't want to answer to Lucas on account of his "scary" expression. Rumor was going around the school about a boy with red eyes wanting to pick a fight with Yugi. Yugi was not attending school that evening for he was spending time with his grandfather at home. For some reason he insisted that he'd stay home and spend time with his beloved grandfather. Seems a bit odd. The kid acts as if he hasn't seen the old man that he's lived with for weeks. Well then again, the Duelist Kingdom tournament did last for a couple of days so maybe that's the reason. But that is not any of our business. Once this rumor spread, a young student who attended the same school heard this rumor and decided to confront the guy who was out to get his best friend.

After hours of asking, Lucas had just given up on his search for Yugi for today and decided to go home. As he was leaving, a student from the school called out to him:

"'Ey you, where you think your going."

Lucas immediately stopped and turned to see where that Brooklyn accent was coming from. It came from a student who attended the school Lucas was just about to leave. He seemed about the same height as Lucas, had blond hair and had a very recognizable face. Having seen the duelist kingdom tournament, Lucas was immediately able to recognize that the person calling out to him was Joey Wheeler, the runner up finalist of the Duelist Kingdom tournament .

Lucas was a bit confused as well as surprised. He wouldn't have thought that the two finalist of Duelist Kingdom attended the same school. However, Lucas was more curious as to what the Wheeler had to say as the guy started walking up to Lucas and grabbing his shirt by the collar.

" Who do you think you ah, wantin to pick a fight with my bud."

"I-I'm sorry?" Lucas asked in confusion.

"Yo gonna be sorry once I'm done with ya!"

Joey was getting ready to throw a punch. Winding his arm with a fist about to knock out Lucas.

"Hold on I'm just trying to duel someone!"

Joey stopped his fist before impact causing Lucas to almost faint in fear.

"A duel? Like Duel Monsters?" Joey asked in surprised.

"Yes.." stated Lucas as he was ready to pass out while pulling his deck out of his bag to show Joey that he was telling the truth.

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