The End

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No-one remembers how it started. Probably over something small. Whatever it was it definitely seemed small compared to what it led to.

However it started, this is where it ended. All 5 of them in the living room of Titans Tower, heated and upset. That's when they started to leave, first Cyborg, packed up and out in the T Car. Next was Robin, he'd seemed a bit betrayed when he sped away on his bike. Then Starfire, the exit of Robin set her off the edge, and though she seemed to want them together more than anyone else, she flew off. Raven started to leave, Beast Boy all but begged her to stay, he'd needed her as much as Star needed Robin. But still she couldn't bear to stay. 

This left Beast Boy, why bother with the names now? Garfield was left to wander the now empty tower, nothing felt right about it. Nothing felt right in life, they didn't know it, but they all had the one thought. 'This isn't right.

Once he left that'd be it. End of an era, but why now? And why like this? It wasn't right. None of them knew where they would go. Where they could go. For so long they'd been all they had, all they needed. So they all just went, no direction, no destination, just away

Robin, well, Dick stopped to check the tech in his bike for a while on the side of the street. He looked up, it wasn't right either, midday, bright and sunny. It should've been a great day. Suddenly something else caught his attention. A huge BANG to his right caused him to look over and see a great big new monstrosity. Nothing they had faced before. A monster 10-15 feet tall and no telling how wide. It was a giant teal blob with green slime oozing out and tentacles seemingly coming out everywhere. And it had green glowing spots, were those eyes? 

The new beast had tossed a dumpster on a clear rampage as people ran. Dick grinned and turned to his teammates to-that's right, no-one there. Up to him to deal with this. It's fine, you can do this. 

Forward he charged Bo Staff in hand, he managed a good hit or two before the thing noticed him and pinned him to a building wall. He tried to get to his utility belt, his hidden gadgets, his anything. But to no avail, he was trapped. But there was one tool he forgot about. The Titans Safety Flare. It automatically activated when one of them was in too much trouble. It contacted the other Flares in the other costumes by flashing red, beeping, and giving a live audio feed to the activated Flare. All while setting off nothing on the suit of the wearer in danger.

They all stopped. Driving, flying, and walking respectively. The alarm had sounded, one of them was in trouble, then the audio feed kicked in. Everyone recognized it, and it had the same effect on all of them. It was Dick, struggling, and they had to help. Kori felt that need even more than Victor, Garfield, or Raven. This meant so much to them, but everything to her.

Dick still couldn't move, but that didn't stop him from trying and formulating a plan. Then a familiar voice came "Let him go now, please." It was Star, I mean, Kori. The monster didn't react, then a green flash, the tentacle keeping Dick pinned was chopped in half, and Dick went down. Thankfully he landed safely and got up to help again as the beast screamed a scream that wavered and then vibrated objects around it. "Boy am I glad to see you." Dick called out and she smiled at him. Together they began to attack, wisely keeping their distances from the mystery creature.

Suddenly it began to shake and writhe for seemingly no reason, until finally, Pop, and out launched a green bird. The bird hit the ground and turned back into Garfield. "Dude, I can't decide if I'm more hurt or disgusted." He said standing and shaking off some residual goo. "Good to have you back Beast Boy." Replied Robin. Beast Boy nodded with a smile before turning into a tiger and going in for another attack. The beast seemed a bit prepared as it fairly quickly brought down a tendril to pin down the green jungle cat. He changed, but made little progress in escaping. Just as Star and Robin were about to act the monster became engulfed in a black energy and a voice came from behind it, "No-one touches him, but me." then the beast launched backwards hitting a wall. Beast Boy's cloaked savior was floating but coming to a land.

"Rae!" He called out now being in human form running forward and hugging her. She tried to hide a smile and replied "Might want to save it for after the giant tentacle monster isn't destroying half of Jump City." "I missed you too." he replied. Her hood hid a blush as they went back to meet with Robin and Starfire. "So, what's the plan?" asked Beast Boy "I'll let you know when I've got one." Answered Robin. 

The monster came charging toward the mostly rebuilt team preparing a tentacle or two to attack when it stopped again when hit by a giant blue glow that passed over the heads of the team. They turned to see the familiar source of the light and found Cyborg blowing the end of his Sonic Cannon like the barrel of a gun and calmly stated "Booyah." with a smile.

"Cy!" shouted the green changeling to which he replied "Beasty!" as he rejoined the group. Everyone began to smile and Robin began "I've got it we-"  then the creature used its multilimbed body to its advantage and launched each one of them away in a different direction.

Soon after a voice came over their comm system "Titans? Titans report!" said the leader and one by one they came on the call. "I figured it out, its weakness is sound! Titans report back to where the beast is." then Cyborg began "I give this message," and Beast Boy continued "To all my friends," and Raven picked up "Let's make this count." "We're not alone." continued Starfire. All this was said as they moved to their destination and they arrived at the same time. They stood together and breathed out and repeated "Not Alone." in unison.

The monster turned to face them and began lumbering forward. The group were already lined up, so their prepared attacks. Robin began tossing sonic grenades into the beast, Beast Boy turned into a kakapo and began screeching, Raven blasted the beast to hold it back, Starfire used her bolts to vibrate the air around the beast creating more sound, and Cyborg fired his trusty Sonic Cannon. They kept this up until the beast exploded into green goo that ran down the storm drains.

"So, does this mean, ya know, Teen Titans together again?" asked Beast Boy. They all looked at one another and had the same thought. "Don't be ridiculous Beast Boy." replied Robin, and Beast Boy's hopes fell a little, then Starfire continued "Of course," "Titans Together," said Cyborg and Raven finished "Titans Forever."

They all smiled and began to walk off together towards the T Tower talking about their next plans, apologies, and whatever else they thought of. One thought surfaced at the front of their minds "This is right."

The End.

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