Love Is Hard.

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- Nicole.

I never realised how dangerous a life could be. I always wondered how drugs could affect a person, or how money meant so much to some people, but i never wondered how people could deal with killing someone.

I sat up, my notepad sat on my desk. I breathed a slight sigh, remebering the adventures of last night. I picked up the yellow pencil, scanning over what i had already wrote to my mother. I miss her so much. She was always my rock, the one person i could trust everything with, knowing she wouldn't  tell a single soul. You see, i haven't seen my mother for 3 years know. Everything i do, is to supply her with money and everything she needs in life. Some people might think that my job is unliving, and that nobody can live with it. But i can, me Nicole Davies. I can live with all the crimes and murders i have done.

- Niall & Meena.

"You're really going to London?" Meena asked Niall, her eyes looking hurt.

"Yes" Niall breathed out, "I'll be back before you know it" He finished, giving Meena one last kiss on the lips.

"I love you" Meena whispered, putting her hands onto Niall's chest. Tears forcing their way out of her eyes.

"I love you to, beautiful" Before Meena could say another word, Niall left. Her heart felt like it had been broken into too. She crouced down, putting her hands over her face, letting her emotions get the better of her.

- Harry & Nicole.

"Erugh" Harry breathed out, putting the supply of pot back into the drug bag.

"Erugh what?" Nicole laughed, licking down on her bottom lip.

"These drugs.." Harry started, "I swear we have packed up...about 50 today" Harry finished.

"I know" Nicole breathed out, "But, this is the only way we can get paied" Nicole said, her eyes looking down at the bags of pot, infrount of her.

"How did we get into this again?" Harry asked Nicole, before wraping his musler hands around Nicole's small wasit.

"I forgot.." Nicole laughed, her eyes turning to look into Harry's bright green eyes.

"Well..." Harry chuckled, His breath hitting Nicole's neck, "Shall we forget about the rest of these drugs to?" Harry said, his left hand pointing to the rest of the pot laying on the carpeted floor.

"Mmmm" Nicole laughed, "How are we going to do that?" Nicole asked, biting down on her bottom lip, already feeling turned on.

"Sex" Harry whispered, before kissing Nicole's lips gently.

- Sarah & Zayn.

"Zayn.." Sarah shouted, emptying the last of her clothes out of a carboard box.

"Yes babe?" Zayn asked Sarah, hurrying up the staircase.

"Could you help me with hanging up these clothes?" Sarah shouted, tucking a piece of her red hair behind her left ear.

"Be there now" Zayn shouted back, before walking into his new bedroom.

"You want help with hanging up 3 shirts?" Zayn laughed, giving Sarah a silly look.

"Yes Zayn" Sarah started, "I'm so tired...have you seen how many boxes i have unpacked today?" Sarah finished, turning her back to get some more hangers.

Zayn laughed, before picking up one of his favorite shirts, and hanging it onto a hanger.

"What are you laughing about Malik?" Sarah teased, before turning back around to face Zayn.

"Nothing.." Zayn started, "Just the fact that you're lazy" Zayn said, giving Sarah a small wink from his left eye.

"I am not lazy" Sarah shouted, her cheeks starting to burn.

"Whatever you say dear" Zayn laughed, before pulling Sarah into a tight and meaningful hug.

- Tilly & Louis.

"I really can't be bothered" Tilly breathed out, her arm falling onto the brown box that was sitting on a fleed of steps.

"It's Harry.." Louis said, "You can be bothered to give a bit of money to you're friend" Louis finished, giving Tilly a small smile.

"Mmmm" Tilly said, trying to catch her breath back. After walking up 10 fleed of steps.

"Now come on, we haven't got all day" Louis laughed, before taking the brow box into his own hands.

"Coming.." Tilly replied, giving Louis a smile.

- Hafsa & Liam.

"Where are we going?" Liam asked Hafsa, his brown eyes darting around the street they were walking through.

"I've told you already Liam.." Hafsa started, "My friend Meena needs me" Hafsa breathed out. The cold wind, hitting her face.

"How come i haven't met this girl before?" Liam asked Hafsa, wanting to know more about Hafsa's friend.

"'ve never asked about my childhood friends before" Hafsa said, reaching out for Liam's hand.

"Haven't i?" Liam asked, sounding confused.

"No Liam.." Hafsa laughed, "But anyway we need to hurry, Meena is in bits" Hafsa said, her voice sounding worried.

"I'm hurrying" Liam said, before quicking up his speed.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2012 ⏰

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